At Worlds First

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                                                                                      Link's POV

Link was falling, falling endlessly. The world was pain. No, he was pain.

There was nothing, yet everything. Zelda, I hope she made it out alive. If that weird Link got her... He grasped at the weird glowy stone falling beside him. Then there was a flash of light, and everything vanished. 


"Do you think he'll make it?"

"I don't know, he looks really bad."

"Hurry your Majesty, He's almost gone!"

"Coming Panji, Thank you."

"His condition is very critical, I don't know if he'll make it!"

"Still try."

"Yes your majesty."


Where am I? 

Everything hurts.

Painstakingly opening his eyes, Link woke up. Light streamed in through a window. It was way too bright in here. He was in a small stone room somewhere. There was only one door leading out. A person dressed in unfamiliar garb stood off to one side. He held a spear. 

Noticing Link awakening, he immediately took notice.

"He's awake your Majesty!"

Link winced. Everything was turned up to max volume, not helping with his massive headache. 

Footsteps pattered quickly down a hall somewhere. He looked around for the source of the noise. Suddenly the door to his room burst open. A tall goat-man stood in the doorway. Link scrambled back in shock.

"He made it through the night Panji?"

"Yes King Rauru."

"Who are you young traveler, and why were you hurt that badly?" asked the goat-man. "We almost lost you. It took our medics all of last night to heal you. You were almost taken by Hylia!"

"L-Link" he signed confused, "Are you the king? Where am I? What am I doing here?"

"We found you passed out and bleeding in Zonai Fields. Are you not from here? This is Hyrule, and I am the King. King Rauru of the Zonai. And this is my wife, Queen Sonia," he said pointing to a hylian woman Link had not seen standing there. She was very beautiful. 

"If you're not from here, then where are you from? Gerudo Town?" He asked suspiciously?

"No, I'm from Hyrule Castle Town, and I used to serve in the Royal Guard for King Rhoam." "I've never heard of King Rhoam, nor Hyrule Castle Town, but this is Hyrule," stated Rauru, "and I am the King." "I...I Just remember falling with this weird stone, then I was here. That was after I was attacked by a copy of me, and a mummy." He still didn't understand any of it himself. All he knew was everything hurt.

Suddenly his wife spoke up. "That all sounds very strange, and i'm sure you're confused. However, let's feed you up for now. I'm sure you're starving.

Link shook his head. Food didn't sound too good right now. He felt nauseous, and just wanted to sleep. But of course everything hurt too much for that.

"Well, we'll leave you alone for now Link. We'll meet with you later after you heal. A bit more on the fairy dust tank should do it."

 They left. Link looked down at his stomach. There was a large scar where he had been stabbed. Why had there been a copy of him? What was that mummy? So many questions raced through his head as he yawned, struggling to keep his eyes open. He eventually gave up and let himself sink into the comforting blackness.


"Are you ready Lord Ganondorf?"

"Yes Marik. Get the Molduga Players. We attack at noon."


"Sir Link wake up, it's almost noon!"

Link struggled to open his eyes. His body ached so much.

"King Rauru is ready for you!"

Link slowly rose up. Looking down he saw that his scar had almost healed. Stretching, he slowly got up to follow the voice. It was Panji.

"Come on Sir Link, the King would like to speak to you!" Rushing ahead, Panji beckoned back at Link to follow him. Grunting, Link trudged after him. Up and down, forwards and back. This castle was more a maze than anything.

They passed by multiple other guards. All of them were wearing the same blocky uniform. They also passed multiple strange little robots. "What are those?" Link asked? "Not now, we're here!"

Opening a large stone door, Panji ushered Link in, then left. The door slammed behind him.

"Ah, Link, I see you're awake." Came a voice from behind him. Link turned around, instinctively reaching for his sword, but to no avail. It wasn't there. 

"No need for such antics Link, I'm just here to talk."

Ah! The goat-king! From earlier! With a shock, Link realized he had almost attacked the King! He immediately dropped to one knee. "Please forgive me sir, I didn't realize,"

"That's quite alright Link," exclaimed Rauru chuckling, "You're in an unfamiliar place, with unfamiliar people. I don't blame you."

"I believe this is yours," He said holding out the Master Sword, " we found it lying with you last night." 

The Master Sword! Finally! Something familiar! Link grabbed it gratefully. "Thank you, your Majesty"

"Just trying to help."

"Now about the mummy..."

"King Rauru! Hurry! Moldugas! It's a swarm!

They're attacking the Great Plateau!"

(Author's Note) Please comment I need criticism! Another chapter down, the climax isn't even close! Next Chapter: The Lord Ganondorf

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