『5K SPECIAL SCENARIO』 The signs hosting a party

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After bashing my head into a wall, I've finally come up with some ideas for this book (I know, shocking)

My apologies if this is short and messy, I had a good idea of what I wanted to do but idk what happened :')

*all the signs are preparing a big fiesta in their mansion celebrating a year living together. idk make up whatever event you want for this scenario. ANYWAYS Virgo is in charge of setting up the pool and the backyard while Capricorn, Pisces + Aries is helping set up the decorations inside....*

Capricorn: Okay Pisces, a little to the left....no no, that's way too tilted....yeah like that!

Pisces: Yay!! Is everything all set?

Aries: *checks their phone*  Yeah, that's all. Now everyone else should be back soon with the food and entertainment

*meanwhile, the rest of the signs split up into 2 groups to go shopping for food and entertainment.* 

Group 1 is in charge of food: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Aquarius

Group 2 is in charge of entertainment + more: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra


Taurus: Can someone get the baking soda? It's 3 aisles down

Aquarius: Not me

Cancer: Not it :p

Scorpio: ....I'll go get it *proceeds to vanish*

*later, at the cashier (Taurus had to pay for it all lmfao)*

Cancer: So it looks like we got pretty much everything Virgo needs!

Aquarius: Now that we're done, I wonder how everyone else is doing....


Gemini: AHHAHAHAHAHA! IM JOHN WICK *shooting water guns*

Leo: ACK YOU GOT ME! *looks at shoulder* ..Gemini? What did you fill those water guns with-

Gemini: This wonderful stuff from my mouth! Now KNEEL*points guns to the sky*

Sagittarius: Jokes on you bitch, I have the higher ground!! AAAAA- *charges at Gemini and Leo*

Store worker: I'm not gonna tell you again! Drop the tomfoolery or leave!!

Leo: No rules-y bitch ruins my fun!! *whacks the worker*

Libra: I wish I went with the other group....


*after getting kicked out of the store and leaving empty handed, group 2 met up with the others and went back to the mansion*

Virgo: Hey guys! I see you got all the stuff *looks at group 2* ....or, at least most of it

*Aries took most of the signs out of the house so Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio could finish setting up the rest of the stuff. Everything was well! Except for Taurus nearly getting their hair burnt off and Aquarius falling off a tree in the park....but other than that the party plan was smooth sailing *

(insert subtle foreshadowing here) 

Libra: Woow, this looks awesome!! Thanks Taurus!

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