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POV Malika
24 January 2022
Rome, Italy 🇮🇹

Me, Rayan and Kayla decided to travel to Rome for a few days. We even have some photo shoots to do here so we took the opportunity to have a little girls trip.

Kayla: so girls now that we are done with the photo shoots, how about we go to a restaurant?

Rayan: I'm down how about you Malika?, they both looked at me

Me: why not

Then we left and went to the hotel to get ready to go to the restaurant. When we were ready we went to the restaurant. We arrived and a waiter came and showed us to our table. We sat down and ordered our food. While we were ordering our food the waiter kept staring at me and I felt uncomfortable. Then he left with our order.

Rayan: the waiter was looking at you, she was laughing

Kayla: he looks interested in you, she was looking at the waiter who were looking over at our table

Me: I feel very uncomfortable, can we please eat fast and leave?

Rayan: sure

After awhile the same waiter came back with our food. While he was putting the food on the table he dropped a paper on me while smiling. So I opened the paper when he went away and it said "you look so sexy, I would like to take you to a hotel and if you are interested, here is my number +39xxxxxxx
Xoxo Mateo"

I felt a really ick about it and I saw him looking over at me and the only thing I did was tore up the paper while he was looking, he looked upset. But I didn't tore it so much so you could see what he wrote.

Kayla: what did it say on that paper and why did you tore up the paper, she was shocked

Rayan: was it the waiter who gave it to you

Me: yes

Kayla: what did he write?

Me: he wrote that I looked sexy and he wanted to take me to a hotel and gave me his number

Rayan: what the hell, what a creep, you know what get up we are leaving, she was furious

Me: yeah

After that we were about to go Kayla stopped us and told us we need to talk to the manager.

Kayla: are you the manager, she asked a woman

X: yeah, is everything good

Rayan:no we have a problem with one of the waiters

Manager: oh I'm sorry, was the waiters service bad

Me: yeah, he has been checking me out since we came here and when the waiter came with our food the waiter gave me a paper, I handed over the paper to her

Manager: I'm so sorry for him, it will be dealt with, she was so apologetic

When we were about to leave the waiter approached me.

The waiter: so what do you think about what I wrote to you, he was smirking

Me: what the hell, what the fuck is your problem

The waiter: don't play hard to get, if you come with me you will enjoy it I will really rock your world

Me: You jerk don't ever approach me again, I slapped him across the face

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