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POV Malika
15 January 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Today I went out with my bestfriend Rayan. We decided to go shopping together since we both needed some new clothes. We had a great time. We were sitting eating after going around shopping. We were chatting until I got a call from my cousin Achraf


Achraf: Hello cousin

Me: hey how are you

Achraf: I'm good how about you

Me: good

Achraf: What are you doing?

Me: Nothing I'm shopping with Rayan, what about you?

Achraf: Nothingi wanted to ask you something

Me: yes sure what is it?

Achraf: Today PSG have a game and since I'm not playing I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me to watch the game

Me: I'm sorry, I wish that I could but I can't

Achraf: Oh okey maybe next time

Me: Yeah sure especially when you can play again

Achraf: Okey prima, I need to go because I'm going to the stadium now

Me: okey cousin bye

Achraf: bye

Call ended

Me and my cousin Achraf have a good relationship, he is truly the best cousin I can wish for, even his siblings nabil and ouidad we all have a good relation, I see them as my siblings since we all grew up together and were raised together. I'm so proud of everything he accomplished so far and I know he will come even farther.

After me and Rayan were done eating we decided to go home since we live together. So we just came home. And I went to take a shower and Rayan did the same. After we were done we prepared some snacks so we could watch the game on tv

Rayan: So who do you think will win?

Me: Of course PSG

Rayan: Have you seen Mbappé so hot he is, he is not hot like you cousin but still

Me: But Rayan, I said laughing, come on lets watch the game now

After the game started and we were watching. I wished my cousin would play but it is what it is. PSG ended up winning 2-0 so I was happy.


I'm going out with the team to celebrate the win do you want to come?

No but thanks for the invite

Come on, you haven't gone out to party since last when that asshole assaulted you

Please don't talk about that, I'm just  not in the mood to go out

Okey if you need something just call me

Okey, love you

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