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POV Mbappé
1 February 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Today I have the day off so I decided to hang out with my family, it's have been a long time since I've been with them so I thought today is a perfect day since everyone are at home. I just arrived at my family home and saw my parents, brothers and sister in law with their kids. I love niece and nephew so much, they are the most cutest I ever met. So I went in and greeted everyone

Isaiah (nephew): tonton Kyky, he ran and hugged me

Me: hey mon champion

Lana (niece): tonton pourquoi ne nous rendez-vous pas visite plus souvent?, (uncle why don't you visit us often)

Me: c'est parce que j'ai beaucoup de travail ma princesse, mais je te promets que je te rendrai visite plus souvent, I hugged her (it's because I have a lot of work my princess, but I promise you that I will visit you more often)

Maman: so mon fils, how have you been?

Me: good Maman, how about with you?

Maman: Good how is the season going for you?, she smilies at me

Me: great, still little sad about Champions League but it will go over

Dad: have you thought about the deal with Real Madrid?

Me: yes, I want to sign for them this summer

Dad: good, then I will get in touch with Florentino Perez

After that we continued to talk and had dinner. I really love to hang out with my family. We had a great time. After that I went home since I have training early in the morning tomorrow.

POV Malika
2 February 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

My cousin asked me if I'm wanted to go to his training today but I didn't want that and even if I wanted to I couldn't since I have a photo session today. I just arrived at the place where the session will take place. I went there with Rayan since she also have to take photos. When we walked in I say my other friends, Sarah, Fatima and Kayla. We 5 always hangs out after work and we have become very close friends.

Sarah: hi girls, she came and hugged me and Rayan

Me: hi love how has it been?

Sarah: great but the children and their dad have taken all my energy

Me: yeah presko can be very annoying, I was laughing

Sarah: that is so true, she also laughed

Kayla: how have you been since Italy

Me: better, especially after I talked to my cousins, they helped me very much and comforted me

Fatima: what happened In Italy

Me: a waiter made a inappropriate comment which made me so uncomfortable

Sarah: but what a jerk

Rayan: yeah, he even got a nice punch on his face, we all started laughing

After that we continued our photo shoots and when we were done we went out to eat lunch. While we were eating I got a call from my cousin Ouidad.

Trust is earned, not given - Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now