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POV Malika
6 April 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

I have been sick since yesterday and it sucks. Rayan and Kayla have photo shoots all day so I'm alone. Achraf have training so he can't come either so I'm all alone at home. I'm just laying in bed and watching movies on the tv. I was about to fall asleep when I heard someone knocking on the door. I went to open and found Achraf in front of me.

Me: Primo what are you doing here?

Achraf: what do you mean by what am I doing here?, you are sick so I want to keep you company because you are all alone

Me: Thank you so much but don't you have training today

Achraf: Sí but I called in sick so I can be with you

Me: I'm so thankful but you shouldn't have done that

Achraf: we are family and family comes first

I just hugged him and let him in. We had a great time together until he got a call and had to leave.

POV Mbappé
6 April 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Today Achraf didn't come to training since his cousin is sick and she is alone at home. To tell the truth I wish it was me who was there with her. I know she don't want to talk to me but I really missed her so much. I hope she gets better soon.

After the training I went to my family. My mother called me and said she missed me so I went over to her house. When I arrived there she greeted me and hugged me. We went in and started to talk.

Fayza (mom): So this Malika, when are we going to meet her?

Me: Maman we are not together, I smiled

Fayza: you look so in love with her, she smiled

Me: yeah I am but i don't think it's reciprocated

Fayza: why do you think that?

Me: she doesn't talk to me or even want to meet up with me when I ask her out for a date

Fayza: maybe she is nervous with your fame

Me: no she is quite famous herself and plus she is Achrafs cousin

Fayza: ah I understand but maybe she went through something traumatic that made her not wanting to go out with someone

Me: yeah from what Achraf told me yes she went through traumatic experiences

Fayza: there you have it, show me pictures of her, I showed her, she is so beautiful I hope everything works out for you

Me: I don't think so

Fayza: why?

Me: when she was in Los Angeles and went out to partying I told her not to approach anyone and not to talk to anyone and I ended up hooking up with someone myself and she found out

Fayza: Hmar, she slapped me on my back head, how can you do something like that?, we didn't raise you like that (hmar=donkey)

Me: I know Maman if you only know how much I regret it, she immediately blocked me and don't want to talk to me after that

Fayza: everything will be fine just show her that you really love her and it will be fine.

After we continued to talk and we ate and had a great time. I went home after a couple of hours and called Achraf so he can tell me where his cousin lives. After nagging him for a while he told me. I plan to go to her house and ask her out. Hopefully she will accept.

POV Malika
8 April 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

I have been feeling better today. But still i decided to stay home just in case. The girls went out to partying today. Achraf also went out with his friends so im all alone now. It is the best sometimes because I really needed to be alone. I was watching movies in bed when I heard the door knocking. I went up to see who it was from the peephole and saw Kylian standing there so I opened the door

Me: Kylian what are you doing here?

Kylian: i heard you were sick so i decided to keep you company

Me: that is so sweet of you but shouldn't you be out partying with your friends?

Kylian: No you are more important than partying, I blushed

Me: Thank you, come in

He came in and we went to the living room and he sat down on the couch

Me: do you want to drink something

Kylian: just water please, I went and brought him a bottle of water,

Me: here you have

Kylian: thank you

Me: you welcome

Kylian: you probably wonder why I am here?, i nodded, I really wanted to apologize to you, I know you saw the post on instagram about me and I just want to tell you how much I regret it, I'm really in love with you and it hurts me that you don't feel the same for me

Me: Kylian I was so hurt about it since you have been flirting with me and told me not to approach any man because according to your own words I'm yours but you went and hooked up with someone else. I know we are nothing but still it hurts but I'm willing to be friends with you and only friends, so no more flirting and no more asking me out

Kylian: I'm sorry for making you feel bad but trust me when I say I'm in love with you, I even talked about you to my mother, I have never felt like this for anyone else. I really want to get to know you better and if you only want a friendship then I accept, I do what you want only if you stay in my life

Me: i also have feelings for you but I'm not ready to act on them, maybe if we get to know each other more I will change my mind and give you a chance but you have to prove to me that you deserve it

After we just hugged and had a great time getting to know each other. We really had so much in common. After a while he went home and I went to sleep.


I'm sad that Kylian is leaving PSG but I wish him the best because he truly deserves it. I hope he will be happy in the club he will join

PSG fans is really the biggest hypocrite for booing our Kylian for leaving. Like every player goes on with other clubs, it's part of their job. He is truly the best player in the world and did so much for PSG. I hope his new team values him more. And for PSG not giving him a well deserved farewell is an unfair thing since he lifted the team. I'm at least happy that PSG ultras gave him a farewell

Trust is earned, not given - Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now