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POV Achraf
10 may 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Today me and Kylian is going out to eat with Tchaga. We haven't seen him for awhile because of his work and plus he is also in a relationship with Kayla, Rayans best friend. It have been going great for us and I'm so happy to have her in my life.

So we went out to have dinner and we had a great time. Tchaga talked about his relationship with his girlfriend and how it's going between them. We also talked about what we are going to do on the summer break. Like we decided before we are traveling to Morocco and USA. We managed to convince Rayan and Kayla to come with us and the only one left to convince is Malika which I don't think we are going to manage to do. She still haven't talked to any of us except the girls so I hope that Rayan can convince her. The girls have still not told her about them going with us. They are afraid to upset her which i know she will be but I know she will get over it. Rayan told me that she has tried to get Malika to talk to me but she has refused it every time and left the room or where they would be. It hurts me that we are not on speaking terms even if I know that I'm to blame for it.

POV Malika
10 may 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

I'm sitting in the coach and watching a movie when I saw Rayan approaching me.

Rayan: can we talk

Me: yeah sure what about

Rayan: about the summer

Me: oh yeah right we need to book hotel and flights tickets

Rayan: about that, me and Kayla are going with the boys when they travel

Me: Ah okey have so fun, I was really cold with her

Rayan: how about you come with us

Me: absolutely no and don't bring it up again, I was annoyed

Rayan: you really need to grow up and stop acting like a child, if you continue you will not only lose your family but also your friends, she left

She shocked me with her words. She have never talked to me like this. I got angry at her words and followed her

Me: do you think you can manipulate me with your words

Rayan: no but it is only the truth

Me: if it is the truth maybe we should stop being friends

Rayan: maybe so

I just left her room and went to my and slammed the door. I really need to leave this space since it have become to much for me. My family betrays me and my friends treats me like it is my fault and I should forgive them. Since two days in to Rayan came to Sevilla she has been bugging me to talk to Achraf and Kylian and to forgive them but I can't.

I'm started to think about moving from France and start a new life in maybe Italy. I have gotten so many work opportunities there and also I have been thinking about starting to study. Maybe it's for the best. I went on the internet and started applying for kindergarten teacher since I have an degree on it. Here in France, Spain and Italy.

I went out to take a walk because I needed some fresh air and to take my mind off of what happened between me and Rayan.

I have been out for a couple of hours and it's almost midnight. Rayan have been calling me for some time now, I got annoyed that I turned off my phone. I continued to walk until I arrived at the beach. I sat there for awhile before walking home.

Trust is earned, not given - Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now