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POV Malika
12 August 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Me and Kylian have been together for 3 months now. To tell the truth I'm so happy to be with him. He is treating me well. He wanted me to go with him on his trip but I declined many times until he accepted my no. Instead I went to Greece with my cousin who lives in Spain. We had a great time together. We sunbathed and swam a lot. I had so fun with her so planned to do it more often. 

I got a job in a private kindergarten here in Paris. I'm going to work as kindergarten teacher since I love children. Of course I'm not planning to stay in Paris for the rest of my life since I have always wanted to move back to Madrid and if I studied to become a lawyer I need to restudy it again in Madrid since it's not the same laws in Madrid as it is in France and then I already have my degree as a kindergarten teacher so it will be perfect and if I plan to move from France I don't have to study again.

I forgave my cousins Nabil and Ouidad for the bet but not Achraf. I decided to call him over to talk with him because I really miss my cousin and I know he feels so sorry for betraying me. So I'm going to forgive him since I don't like to hold grudges for a long time since he didn't hurt my physically. He didn't have bad intentions with this bet according to Kylian.

So he came to my house and I let him in. We started to chitchat until I told him I wanted to talk to him about something.

Me: so you are probably wondering why I invited you over, he nodded, Achraf you are my cousin and my bestfriend and I can't live without you in my life, I forgive you for everything and I want us to become like we used to be

Achraf: me too, Malika you don't know how sorry i am for hurting you, I swear I will never do it again

After we just hugged and then we talked about everything that happened between us during the time we didn't talk.

POV Mbappé
13 August 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

I decided to renew my contract with PSG until 2025. I'm happy to do that because now I can be with Malika. But I'm planning to leave for Real Madrid when my contract expires. I will not renew it next time.

Me and Malika is going out to eat today. Since we came back from our vacations we have spent our time together. She got a job here in France so I'm happy. She is starting her work next week. I'm so happy for her since I know how hard it was on her being a model. Achraf told me that she had to be admitted to the hospital because she was underweight and exhausted so it was for the best.

I'm taking her to Staya restaurant, it's the same I wanted to take her to on our first date before she canceled it.

So I'm in the car outside her house waiting on her. She just came out. She looks so beautiful. She is wearing a simple outfit but it looks so great on her. She is wearing a black coat and black pants with black t-shirt. Her make up are well made and her hair is perfect. Everything about her is perfect. She just came in the car and we greeted each other

Malika: so where are you taking me?

Me: you will see

Malika: I missed you Mon amour, she kissed me

Me: I missed you too ma vie

After I started to drive and we put on music and started singing together. It was fun. She is a great singer and have an amazing voice.
We just arrived at the restaurant and we walked in. The waiter showed us to our table. We sat down and ordered what we wanted

Me: so Mon amour are you happy that you are going to work with children

Malika: yeah I can't wait. I really love children and I hope I will enjoy my new job

Me: I'm positive that you will enjoy. Achraf told me about you forgave him

Me: yeah he is my cousin at the end of the day so I thought it was for the best.

Me: I'm happy for you two

POV Malika
13 August 2022
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Today me and Kylian had a date. We had a great time together. I really love this man. He treats me well and are so attentive to me. I got lucky with him.

Next week is my first day at work. I'm so excited. My friends are happy for me that I'm doing what I want. My and Rayan was able to reconcile with each other. We had a heart to heart conversation and we sorted out our problems. I know she didn't have bad intentions. She just wanted me, Achraf and Kylian to reconcile and go back to how we used to be.

She is happy for me and Kylian and thinks that we are soulmates. Achraf is very supportive of our relationship and are happy for us. He told me that he hasn't seen Kylian so happy and even his teammates who have known him longer than my cousin says the same. Tchaga told that Kylian told him he is very happy with me and that he is very grateful that I gave him a second chance, he also told me that Kylian used to be the first one to accept a nights out in a club and would always hook up with girls but since he met me all that changed. He goes home after his games and he stays home when the rest goes out. It made my heart melt. I'm so grateful for him.



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Iiked by: K.mbappe, Achrafhakimi & 1937289 more
Malikahakimi date night❤️

K.mbappe Mon amour you are so beautiful❤️❤️
Malikahakimi ily ma vie❤️❤️

Rayanomari my love you look so gorgeous😍😍
Malikahakimi baby you are gorgeous❤️❤️

Achrafhakimi that's my bestie
Malikahakimi love you bestie❤️

Nabilhakimiii my beautiful cousin❤️❤️
Malikahakimi love you cousin❤️❤️

Ouidadhakimii wooooow you are so beautiful mi amor❤️❤️
Malikahakimi you are the beautiful one❤️❤️

Kayla.lemoine so beautiful❤️
Malikahakimi you yeah❤️

__sarah.k my love you are so hot🤤
Malikahakimi have you seen yourself baby❤️❤️

User1 she are so beautiful❤️
Malikahakimi oh thank you gorgeous❤️❤️

Kyky_haki why is Kylian commenting on her post

Mrsmbappe bitch you are so ugly🤮

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