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I know I bounced back a little but I could put everything in the previous chapter so I wrote it in this one about the trophées du football.

POV Mbappé
14 may 2024
Paris, France 🇫🇷

Yesterday was Trophèes du football. I was nominated to the best player of the year in Ligue 1 and I won it. It's the fifth time I have won it and it's also 5 years after each other. I'm so happy to leave PSG with this trophy. It was a lot of emotions. I went there with my father, brother and Brice. My fiance had to stay at home since she is pregnant. Yeez only saying she is pregnant is weird. I'm so happy to be a dad and especially having a kid with her but still it feels weird to say that I'm going to be a dad.


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K.mbappe Énormént d'émotions pour ce 5e titre de meilleur joueur de Ligue1. Un grand merci pour l'amour que vous m'avez donné durant toutes ces années. Jamais je n'oublierai ces moments privilégiés que j'ai pu passer avec vous. Merci à mes coéquipiers et au staff de ce club si spécial et prestigieux qu'est le PSG pour sans cesse me permettre d'être la meilleure version possible de moi-même. Je pars avec la tête haute mais sans jamais oublier que je vous serai à jamais reconnaissant.

MERCI❤️ @ligue1ubereats @psg

Malikahakimi félicitations mon amour, tu mérites tout le meilleur, je suis si fière de toi et de tout ce que tu as accompli jusqu'à présent❤️❤️

Ethanmbappe félicitations pour cette victoire mon cher grand frère, je suis si fier de toi et je sais que tu accompliras tellement de choses dans la vie❤️❤️

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POV Malika
26 may 2024
Paris , France 🇫🇷

PSG play their last match yesterday and they won. I'm happy for them especially Kylian. He won the final in French cup. I'm happy for him. He truly deserves it.

Kylian went to Monaco today to watch F1. I stayed at home since I'm tired today. I haven't talked to Kylian so much for 10 days now since he was in Cannes. I know he didn't cheat or anything but I feel so insecure since I got pregnant. Lets face it, Kylian is an attractive, handsome, talented, kind and a rich man and he is everyone's dream man. I'm afraid that someone will steal him from me. I haven't told anyone about it because I know it is ridiculous to think like that because we love each other so much but still the thought is still there.

Then I'm afraid about having a child with him. He is always absent and have either training or he has games. I'm afraid that it will be the same when our baby is born. I know I won't be all alone since I have my family in Madrid but still it's not the same as having him with me. But I'm happy because we are going to have a baby together. 

I decided to talk to him about everything when he comes home from Monaco. I will tell him everything I feel since I know he didn't do anything wrong and he doesn't deserve to be treated coldly.
He comes home tomorrow so I will talk to him then.

POV Mbappé
27 may 2024
Paris, France 🇫🇷

I just got home from Monaco. When I got inside my house Malika came and greeted me like she usually does. That's only means that she is not angry at me. I hugged her and kissed her. When we sat down I saw that she had something she needed to say but she was nervous so I decided to start the conversation

Me: Mon amour you seem little nervous did something happen

Malika: I want to talk to you but I don't know how to say it

Me: ma vie you know you can talk to me

Malika: I know but I'm a little scared

Me: about what my love

Malika: I want to talk to you about everything that have happened the last few weeks

Me: sure talk about what you want I will listen

Malika: I know I have been a little cold lately but I'm just a bit insecure, she had her head down

Me: about what

Malika: I know that you would never cheat on me but when I saw that video about that girl I don't know something inside me started to feel insecure, you are this beautiful, kind, talented and rich guy and every girl would dream about having you and I'm scared that you wouldn't find me attractive when I get bigger and you will leave me, she had tears in her eyes

Me: baby, look at me, come with me

I took her to the hall where we have a big mirror

Me: what do you see

Malika: I don't know, I just see a attractive man and a fat woman

Me: first of all don't you ever say that about yourself and secondly do you know what I see

Malika: no

Me: I will tell you, I see a woman that are so attractive that words can't even describe her beauty, I see a woman that have a big heart and are the most beautiful, kindest and caring person there ever is, I see a strong woman that knows her worth and is the most hardworking person ever, do you see your stomach, you have our child here, you are pregnant with my child, our child and I will always find your body perfect since it is. And honestly I love your body is getting bigger, i love everything about you and nothing will change my views about you so never ever do I want you to feel insecure, she kissed me

Malika: i love you so much and im so lucky to have you in my life baby

After I just hugged her and then we laid down in the coach and cuddled until we fell asleep.

Next chapter: 12/7

I wanted to write about each game in the euro 2024 but I don't have the energy to do it

I'm sorry it took a long time for me to post but there is a Chapter I need to write but can because it will be about the ending of Euro and him signing for Real Madrid. The rest of the story is already written so I'm only waiting for when everything is done

Trust is earned, not given - Kylian MbappeWhere stories live. Discover now