Skywalkers will always be Skywalkers.

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When she woke up the next day, she wasn't sure if the previous day was a nightmare. However, she was effectively distracted from this thought by a knock on the door. She sat on the bed, which was so uncomfortable that her entire back hurt. "Here," she said and watched as the little droid appeared in her room. She gave him a wide smile and tilted her head to the side, trying to understand what he had to say.

„ Little thing, I don't understand what you're talking about..." she sighed and walked up to him, stroking his dome. He suddenly moved forward, making sounds typical of him. Genevieve immediately understood what he meant and followed him. He led her to the Millennium Falcon, where she saw Luke watching the ship. The girl stayed behind, watching them from a distance.

R2D2 looks like he doesn't care about Genevieve, he just approached Luke and showed him old footage of Leia asking Obi-Wan for help. It made them both emotional, because a warm smile appeared on their faces. "It's a very cheap trick, you know?" Luke said, unable to take his eyes off the hologram. R2D2 made a series of sounds, and then the hologram princess was replaced by a short recording of young Luke and a woman his age. They smiled at each other and looked deeply into each other's eyes, and Luke's face began to change.

There was no longer that same smile on his face, now he was glaring at the droid with anger. „ Turn it off. You're not helping." he sighed and moved away, noticing Genevieve as he did so. He rolled his eyes and walked past her in the doorway. „ Luke, wait." the girl murmured and grabbed his arm. However, he got away from her quite quickly. „ Meet me at three. Then we can talk." Genevieve nodded her head and just looked at Luke. „ That was a good one, tho. " she smiled and looked at R2D2, winking at him. „ Such a smart droid. "

After those words she left Millennium Falcon, walking towards flat surface. She smiled and pulled her lightsaber from the pocket of her robe, igniting it. Genevieve closed her eyes and turned it on with slow movements. She hadn't felt this freedom for a long time, the weight of the sword in her hand felt pleasant. Her movements were fluid but decisive, typical of her fighting style.

She remained in such agony for at least an hour, performing various combinations. When she finally stopped, she looked at the sundial near the hill where she stood. She was late, again. She sighed and ran down the stone steps, almost bumping into Luke.

„ I'm sorry..." she started, but Luke interrupted her. „ I was looking at you. Your movements are... I can't describe it. It's an honor to see it with my own eyes. " his words brought a smile to Genevieve's lips. She nodded, but sighed. "I failed Ben too. Twice. Only the first time he didn't know I was trying to help him. " she placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it lightly. „ Each of us makes mistakes, some more, some less. The most important thing is to understand them and fix what we did wrong. "

Luke didn't know how to respond to that. He knew well that Genevieve's words were sincere and did not mean to hurt him. She tried to help him, just as she had helped his father before. Now she wants to do the same to his nephew. He knew she was putting her heart and soul into it, she was trying her best. He was grateful to her, but he never had the opportunity to show it to her. There was one thing that was bothering him, he didn't have the courage to ask about it. His heart held deep thoughts that Genevieve didn't want to see. She didn't want to be pushy, but she knew exactly what he was thinking. However, she did not want to discuss this topic herself. She knew neither of them were ready for this conversation.

They remained in a rather comfortable silence, it didn't disturb either of them. „ What do you think I should do? " she asked, looking straight into his eyes. „ He was a good kid. Smart, talented and powerful. Much more powerful than me." Luke sighed, shaking his head. „ Luke, let's not exaggerate. He is powerful, but he is still far from your or your father's power. He is too blinded by the Dark Side to gain his full Power." silence fell between her and Skywalker again, making her laugh. „ You really prefer to stay silent, don't you?" she asked and shook her head.

„ Okay, we don't have to talk. Maybe a short round? " she stood up and pulled out her lightsaber, which made Luke shiver. " „ Leia gave it to me moments before she left. I know how much you want this. " she extended her lightsaber towards him, which he accepted after a moment of hesitation. They stood up and took off their robes. „ I'll give you a head start, it's your move. " she smiled and spread her arms, encouraging him to fight.

A friendly fight was something they both needed. They could only focus on the opponent, on blocking his movement and dodging. „ For your age, you're doing quite well." She joked, throwing another punch at him. „I can say the same about you. " after his answer, Genevieve burst out laughing loudly, losing her concentration. " Sometimes I forget how old I am... Waking up with a face and body like this is... weird. " Luke nodded and in a fluid movement, he tripped her legs, making her fall. He held his lightsaber to her neck, causing her to laugh again. „ It's in the family." She said and kicked his metal arm, causing his lightsaber to fall out of his hand. The girl stood up and brushed herself off the ground. „ Skywalkers will always be Skywalkers."

His lips curved into a soft smile. Memories flooded his mind, memories he tried so hard to forget. It was through them that he tried to completely cut himself off from the Force, which tried to remind him of it every day. Genevieve, after noticing that his mind was occupied with something else, left him, sitting on the edge of the hill. She lowered her legs, enjoying the smell of the fresh air. Her hair blew in the wind and she closed her eyes in pleasure. She felt herself becoming one with the Force, which was trying to tell her something. However, she couldn't hear her voice, something or someone was blocking her access to this information.

„ Aren't you cold? " she heard behind her, making her jump in surprise. To even greater surprise, she didn't see Luke behind her, but Ben. However, she closed her eyes again, noticing that his chest was bare. „ And you? " she replied and stood up, standing with her back to him. „ Put something on, I won't talk to you like this. " she muttered and crossed her arms over her chest.

„ Can you see my surroundings? Because I don't have yours. You stand in my room as if you were here. But you're not here. " Ben, despite her request, didn't do it. She heard footsteps behind her and felt him getting closer to her. She could feel the Dark Side emanating from him, but she couldn't move any further. „ Where are you? Who are you? " he asked, not only out of pure curiosity. He wanted to know where she suddenly came from in his life, and why, even when he wasn't close to her, he still saw her.

She only heard the sound of his lightsaber being turned on, and then saw the red blade pass through her stomach. But she didn't feel anything. There was no blood, no pain. She was a practical spirit, but that was not the reason why the blade of the sword did not reach her. „ I had to check." Ben lowered his voice and moved away from her again. „ Why does the Force want to entangle us so badly? " he asked, still having no idea what this was all about.

Not like Genevieve. However, before she could tell young Skywalker about her concerns, he disappeared. This only confirmed her thought that it wasn't the Force that wanted to bring them together.

She wanted to talk to Luke, but she didn't know if she could. For the first time in a long time she felt powerless. Genevieve sat down on the cliff again, and a few tears fell from her eyes. Her hand flew to the bracelet, and she couldn't wait any longer. She knew this was the only person who could help her.

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not so proud of this one ( hurting my little girl genevieve again ) BUT this chapter is a little bit of start to my next short fanfiction 🤓
keep your eyes open babes, bittersweet is coming !


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