It really is.

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The next morning Genevieve woke up tired, even more tired than usual. The black walls of the room she was assigned were incredibly overwhelming. There was no sunlight here, she could only turn on artificial light. She looked around the room and shook her head. There was only a bed, a desk, a mirror and a large wardrobe. She didn't feel good here, she wanted to get away from here as far as possible. But she knew she couldn't.

She walked to the mirror and looked at herself. She didn't see the face of the serious, adult woman she usually was. All she saw was a lost teenager. A tired, lost teenager. The bags under her eyes made Genevieve no longer recognize herself. She ran a hand through her long, loose hair and sighed quietly.

She had to come up with a plan. A plan that will allow her to complete her mission and peacefully return to where she belongs. She knew it wouldn't be an easy task. Ben was deeply immersed in the Dark Side of the Force, which was eating him from the inside.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on the door. After a moment, it opened and a stormtrooper stood in the doorway with a black robe in his hands.

„ The Supreme Leader ordered this robe to be given to you. He couldn't show up alone because he has an important meeting. " he told her and left before she could ask him any questions.

Genevieve laid the robe on the bed, examining it. She's never worn anything like this. She felt that these were not clothes for her. She couldn't bring herself to even touch her. Until she saw a small note sticking out of one of the pockets.

5 p.m. Training room. I'll be waiting.

Genevieve smiled softly, holding the note in her hand. She decided to pull herself together and quickly put on Ben's robe. She looked towards the mirror again. She saw something familiar, as if she had seen herself like this before, but she didn't know where.

After a while, there was another knock on her door. This time she had to open it herself. She saw a young woman dressed in a First Order uniform.

„ I have orders to take you to breakfast. I also have to answer all the questions you ask me. " Genevieve nodded and smiled at the woman.

„ My name is Genevieve, what's yours? "

She ignored her and just rolled her eyes. This embarrassed Genevieve, so she just hung her head and obediently left the room, grabbing her lightsaber as she went. She put it in the pocket of her robe and followed the woman, who looked very unhappy with her company.
For a good few minutes she wondered what question he might ask her. Eventually, she gathered herself and took a deep breath.

„ Is there a library around here maybe? " she asked quietly, looking at the soles of her shoes.

„ There it is, near the cafeteria. " the woman nodded, not looking at Genevieve. „ I'll show you later. "

Genevieve nodded her head and went after her, keeping her head down. After some time, she sighed quietly under her breath and finally raised her head. She looked around the cafeteria and shuddered. The room was filled with First Order generals. She knew their faces, some of them from the times of the Empire.

Genevieve didn't know where to focus her eyes. She had a choice between the tips of her shoes or her toes. However, she focused on the tray of food the woman handed her. She stood there for a moment until she noticed an empty table. She quickly took a seat, slowly eating the rice with sauce of unknown origin that she had previously served. She wanted to get away from there as quickly as possible. She felt like an intruder.

No. She was an intruder.

„ So you are Kylo Ren's new addition. " she heard a low, cold voice behind her. She quickly turned to him and frowned. „ We expected you to be... older. "

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