I lied.

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She heard the sound of a lightsaber cutting someone in half and she knew it was over. When Ben sees that she can't die, he won't believe anything she says.

But she didn't feel any pain, she didn't feel anything. She struggled to open her eyes, but Ben's sword was still in his hand. It gave her the strength to get up from her lying position, and her eyes found Snoke's still body. Her face suddenly lit up. She looked at Ben, who was also staring at her.

„ Ben..."

However, Snoke's guards did not let her finish her sentence because they began to press on them from all sides. Genevieve summoned her sword with a quick wave of her hand. She stood with her back to Ben, allowing him to lead her in the fight.

They struck blow after blow, knocking down one of the guards. Even though there were only eight of them, it was not an easy task. Genevieve, tired from the earlier fight with Snok, was slowly losing strength, tripping over her own feet every now and then. However, this had terrible consequences for her fight, because after a while one of the guards held a weapon under her neck.

„ Ben! Ben! "  she started screaming, looking for his help.

She had no strength to oppose him, her lightsaber rolled under her feet, and she was completely helpless. After a while, however, she felt something approaching her, and she managed to catch it mid-flight. It was Ben's lightsaber and it pierced the face of the guard holding it. She smiled and threw it back at him, quickly picking up her own.

For Genevieve, this fight was a moment. She hadn't had the opportunity to face a worthy opponent for so long, although the guards were quite predictable. Deep down, she liked the fact that she wasn't sitting alone in her room now, but could help with her skills.

She had already forgotten the pleasant weight in her hand as she defeated each of them in turn. She knew that even without Ben by her side she would have managed to escape, but his small gesture towards her made her hope for Ben Solo's return slowly return.

He chose her over his master.

Everything could still be repaired.

As the last guard fell to the ground dead, Genevieve's intuition told her to look at one of the large windows. When she saw the last forces of the Resistance being annihilated by the powerful guns of the destroyer, she turned with scared eyes towards the boy accompanying her.

„ You have to tell them to stop. The Resistance may yet survive. All these people on these ships, they have to survive! " she screamed like crazy as she walked over to Ben. She put a hand on his shoulder, but he shook it off, standing two steps away.

„ Maybe this is how it's supposed to be? " he asked, looking at her with seriousness in his eyes. „ Maybe we need to let them die so we can start a new chapter. "

„ Don't tell me you want your mother dead. Your father's death hurts enough already. " she said before she could stop herself. „ Please, Ben... "

„ Stop calling me that! Ben Solo is dead. " he screamed, but he quickly calmed himself down. „ I don't know who you are, but you are powerful and strong with Force. I know that together we can achieve some big things. And you can feel it too. I know that. "

Yes, Genevieve felt it too. However, she didn't want to be fooled by the Force again, so she just stood straight, slowly turning off her lightsaber. Her breathing slowly calmed down and her hands stopped shaking.

She wondered what she should do. The temptation to stay by Ben's side was increasing, it would make her task much easier, but these people were innocent. They fought for their (and not only their) freedom. Even though she was mainly the patron of the Jedi Knights, she was created to protect not only them, but also the entire galaxy.

𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟𝐢𝐬𝐡 . 𝐛𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now