Part 1

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       My name is y/n merlo I'm currently 12 almost 13 and about to start my first year at hogwarts. I have dark brown hair and bright blue eyes I wouldn't say I'm pretty but I'm not ugly either kind of average. Today my family was going to there friends place I've been there a few times apparently they have a son one year older then me, I've never meet him since he was at hogwarts.

"Y/n dear are you ready?" My mother called for me. My mom was a kind soul to everyone. She had long brown hair like mine but she had green eyes, she was a hufflepuff and you could tell. I slid on the dress she told me to wear a long red dress.

"Coming mother" I quickly made my way down stairs. My father looked at me and smiled in approvel his black hair was slicked back and his blue eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunnys. I took my mother's arm as she took my father's and we were portkeyed to a large manor. We were greeted by a woman with half blond and half black hair Narcisa malfoy, she was a kind woman compared to her husband lusius malfoy. She smiled at us and hugged my mother then me.

"Oh its so good to see you all again" narcissa beamed

"Narcissa it's good to see you to" my mother smiled at her

"Good afternoon mrs.malfoy" I smiled

"Oh y/n you can call me Narcissa" he hugged me again she was in a happier mood then normal we haven't been here since summer started its now the middle of July meaning schools were out for the summer. "Come come Lucius is in side"

We followed her inside malfoy manor still looked the same a dark appearance outside and inside Mainly hues of black and gray but with accents of emerald green. We followed narcissa inside and to a large sitting room my parents greeted Mr.Malfoy and i greeted him in a bow "Hello mr.malfoy" I spoke softly when i looked up his usual scowl was gone he had an almost smile playing at his lips.

"Oh y/n dear you haven't meet our son yet he will be down soon he's a year older then you about to start his second year at hogwarts" Narcissa beamed again and Mr.malfoys scowl returned

"I'm excited to meet him" I spotted a small house elf out of the corner of my eye and I smiled"good afternoon dobby"

Dobby jumped seeming startled he bowed to me"good afternoon ms.marlo" he quickly ran away poor dobby was so scared of Mr malfoy.

"Oh draco dear come say hello to out guests" Narcissa said and I looked up to see a young boy coming down the stairs he had on a button up black shirt his white blonde hair was slicked back and he had grey blue eyes his expression was numbed he seemed cold and ridged, great. "Draco these are our friends Mr. And Ms. Merlo and their daughter y/n she is attending her first year at hogwarts"

"Pleasure to meet you draco" I smiled he looked at me and I felt very aware of of my self

"Pleasure to meet you to" he spoke"are you a first year?"

"I will be yes I've heard you are a second year slytherin?"

"I am"

"Well draco why don't you show y/n around the grounds and tell her about hogwarts hm?" His mom put her hand on his shoulder

"Yes mother" draco spoke and held his arm out to me I hesitantly took his arm and he lead me out side. Once we were outside I let go of his arm.

"So how do our family's know each other" draco almost spat out his words harsh

"They went to hogwarts together and I guess our fathers work together from what I've been told"

"Pureblood?" He looked at me

"I am from a long line of purebloods"

"Good we don't need any flithy mudbloods on our grounds" his words are harsh as he speaks we walk around In silence for a bit

"Malfoy do you like hogwarts?"

"It's alright" his expression is bored as we walk "minus Potter"

"Potter? As in the one who survived?"

"Yes he never has conciquense its annoying he's annoying" dracos Jaw cletched as he spoke

"I see"

After what seemed like hours my parents called for me and we went home.

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