part 4

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     It was late at night and I couldn't sleep we are about 2 weeks into the school year I got up and grabbed my wand.

"Luminos maxima!" The end of my wand lit up and I left my dorm and quickly headed to the slytherin dorms I got to the door "snakeskin" I whispered and it opened I quickly went to dracos dorm and knocked. After a few minutes the door opened

"Y/n?! What are you doing here" he whispered and looked shocked to see me.

"I can't sleep draco..." I hung my head I felt his hand on my waist as he pulled me into the dorm closing the door behind me.

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Um..." I had been having nightmares but didn't want to tell him

"Y/n what's going on" he moved a strand of hair out of my face and behind my ear

"I've had a few night mares and now I can't sleep draco" I whispered avoiding eye contact

"Wanna sleep in here tonight?" He smiled down at me and I nodded"okay come on" he took my hand and lead me to the bed he got in pulling me with him and wrapped his arm around my waist. I felt butterflies in my stomach. What the fuck do I like my best friend? I questioned my self internally.

"What's wrong?" Draco sounded sleepy and I looked at him


"You tensed up what's wrong" he propped him self up to look at me

"N-nothing" I blushed

"Nothing hmm?" He questioned and i nodded my head "Okay want something to drink?"


   Draco went to the bathroom and came back with some water and handed it to me. I took a sip and glared at him.

"You put the truth potion in this!"

"Yes now what's wrong?" He crossed his arms

"I think im falling for you!" I covered my mouth

"What?" Draco looked shocked then smiled at me sitting on the bed "really?"

"Y-yes" I look down shyly

"Thank God"


"Y/n I've liked you since I meet you,I hate seeing other men look at you or even touch you. Like when Blaise caught your waist on the train my blood boiled." He got closer to me and touched hair behind my ear."since the first day I meet you I fell inlove with you"

"Dra..." I was interrupted by his lips on mine I kissed back my hands on his shoulders his hand found my cheek as he kissed me.

"Sorry I couldn't resist" he chuckled resting his forehead on mine.

"It's okay"i giggled

"Let's go to bed okay?"

"Okay!" I layed down and snuggled into his chest his arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer to him soon I drifted off to sleep. We woke up to loud thunder and the room lighting up with lighting.

"What time is it?" I looked up at draco

"Mmm 6 am" he looked at his clock and pulled me close to him kissing my forhead.

"I gotta go back to my dorm to change for class draco"

"Noooo" draco whined buring his head in my neck making me giggle

"Draco seriously I don't want to get detention for being late"

"Mmmm finneeeee" he groaned and let go of me

"Why don't you get dressed and we can go back to my common room and I can change then we can go get breakfast" I smiled sitting up.

"Okay" he got up and started getting dressed putting his robe on he grabbed his 3rd year rob and handed it to me. I raised an eyebrow at him."It's raining out side and your in a white shirt"

My eyes widened in relization"oh my merlin thank you" I took the robe and put it on we quickly ran for my dorm and I changed into my uniform and robe we headed to the great hall and sat down food appeared like normal we ate and talked when pansy strutted over.

"Dracy can you help me with my potion for snapes class it's so hard" she whined trying to get draco to help her and flirting with him I clenched my jaw.

"No." Dracos voice was flat and he didn't even look at here

"Please dracy" she extended the the stupid nick name she gave him."I promise it will be worth the effort"

"Pansy fuck off and go be a slut with some one who is single" I spat out and stood up pushing her away from draco, he quickly stood and grabbed me so I didn't hit her

"Y/n calm down its okay" draco tried to calm me down

"Dracy is single you stupid bitch." Pansy bit back

"Shove off pansy I'm dating y/n you stupid slut" draco glared at her and her mouth dropped

"W-what!? Your dating this rat?"

"You call her a rat again an I'll personally us a forbidden curse on you pansy now. Shove. Off" draco bit back at her it was honestly such a turn on to see him defend me. Pansy huffed and stomped off

"Thank you... dracyyyyy" I made fun of the stupid nickname she calls him

"Ew don't ever call me that again" he chuckled and I laughed to as we continued breakfast as we ate my owl dropped a letter infront of me I opened it:

Dear y/n

    I hope this finds you well I have unfortunate news your mother is missing as well as your father. We have arranged for the missionary of magic to find them we will up date you when we find anything. Best of luck with your classes. Tell draco to behave.

    -lucius malfoy.

My mouth dropped and I started shaking and crying. Draco looked at me worried and grabbed the letter quickly reading it and hugged me tightly.

"Hey its going to be okay it's going to be okay I'm right here y/n they will find them I promise until they do your welcome at malfoy manor"

"My parents are missing draco"i clung to him and he held me tighter.

"It's going to be okay it's going to be okay" he kissed my head and just held me. I didn't know what happened and I didn't know if he was right or not all I knew is I had to find out more information and what happened.

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