part 3

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     *year 4*

I got on the train to hogwarts finding malfoy every year we sit together and talk. For the past 3 summers out family's go on vacations while he is still an asshole to most with me he isn't most of the time. I spot him I put my hand on his shoulder he turns and smiles at me.

"Hey y/n" he smiled at me

"Hey!" I smiled back he put his hand on the small if my back. While I still dont findmy self the prettiest I grew into my body over the years and have a fit body. I could feel eyes on my as we walk I look over and see potters eyes on me. He winked at me and I feel draco push me a bit faster I look up and he looks upset. Potter always has a way to get to him.

    We get to the cabin and get settled I grab my blanket right away and put it in between draco and I as well as my book.

"You excited to start quittage practice again?" I look at draco

"Hmm?" He snaps his head back to me "sorry was lost in thought"

"I asked if your excited for quittage practice to start again?"

"Oh yeah I guess" he looks at me looking like he is searching for something "y/n"

"Yeah draco" I smiled

"Do you like potter?"

"What?" I raise an eyebrow

"Do you like Potter like have feelings for him"

"No why are you asking?"

"The way he looked at you irritated me"

"Draco your like my best friend if I liked anyone I'd tell you I promise"

"Okay" he smiles and nods resting his head back when our cabin door opens Blaise walks in

"Hey guys" Blaise smiled at us and hugged me then high fived draco

"Hey how was holiday" I asked smiling

"Boring my sister wanted to go to Rome to look at artifacts and my parents loved the idea"

"Oo that's rough man" draco chuckled

"Tell me about it your family's join each other again this year?" Blaise asked opening a bag of chips

"Yeah we went to Italy this summer" I smiled and handed Blaise a few pictures

"Wow that's amazing guys... draco are you smiling in this on" Blaise teased

"Oh can it Blaise" draco glared we felt the train jolt forward "looks like we are off"

"Hogwarts here we come!!!" Blaise and I cheered and draco rolled his eyes. After about an hour I saw Blaise passed out I look at draco he is still awake I nudge him and point to Blaise. Draco chuckles a bit too. I put my blanket on my lap and shiver a bit I feel draco pull me close to him and rub my arm.

"Thanks" I smile

"You always get so cold on the train" draco teased and I elbow him

"Oh shut up" I yawn a bit and rest my head on his shoulder, he rests his head on my head and I fall asleep. Due to draco and I being friends for 3 years and going on family trips together this wasn't weird by any means we usually do this in cars when we have to take them on holidays. Soon i woke up and heard Blaise and draco talking. I sat up a bit and rubbed my eyes.

"How Long have I been asleep" my voice is still a little raspy

"Maybe 2 hours did you have a good nap?" Draco smiled and I nodded

"Yeah I'm going to use the rest room" I stood and the train jolted I launched forward and Blaise caught me

"Wow you Alright y/n?" He asked

"Yeah why did we stop we arnt at hogwarts yet"  I pushed my self off of Blaise

"Don't know but I have to use the rest room to I'll go with you" draco voice was harsh I looked at him he was glaring at Blaise. Weird.

"Okay" I opened our cabin door and we walked to the bathrooms as we were walking back to the cabin the train jolted again moving forward I lost my footing and fell back draco caught me in his arms.

"You okay" his voice was soft as he looked down at me

"Yeah thank you draco" I smiled up at him I regained my footing and got to our cabin Blaise was looking out the window draco sat down and I sat beside him. Soon we were close to the school. Since draco and I were close we decided we are okay changing in our cabin I closed the curtain to change into our robes Blaise also changed the boys changes first draco stood infront if me. I looked up and my eyes landed on his 6 pack I quickly turned away to hide my blush. I could hear draco chuckle as he buttoned up his shirt.

"Here are your robes" draco handed me the robes out of my carry on and grabbed the blanket holding it up so I could change Blaise also turned the other way. I stood and started changing my back towards them. I felt eyes on me when I turned my head I saw dracos eyes scanning over my body I threw my hoodie at his face and he laughed.

"Right right sorry y/n" he chuckled

"Do I want to know?" Blaised asked

"Malfoy is checking me out Blaise" I interjected

"Malfoy you sly fox let the girl change" Blaise busted out into laughter

" I said I was sorry" draco chuckled and I finished changing fixing my yellow and black tie draco folded the blanket and we packed our stuff back up. I smoothed my skirt as I sat down.

"You look good in New robes" draco smiled. All robes at hogwarts got an update just making the colors a bit brighter bit also putting the house logo on the right chest mine obviously being a bager for huffle puffs.

"Thanks so do you guys" I smiled and fixed dracos hood it got twisted and bit.

"Thanks" draco pulled me into a hug. He was being clingy which wasn't like him. With in the last 20 minutes of the train ride we talked a bit finally we all headed to the great hall for the welcome back feast and sorting ceremony for first years this night it was mandatory to sit in pur houses other then that we could sit anywhere we wanted.

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