part 8

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The next morning I got up draco was still asleep like normal it was a Thursday morning and the wind howled out side. Fall weather right around the corner. I got up and headed for the showers I wanted to meet with professor Trelawney. The deviations teacher was said to be crazy but after all most people like that are. I finished my shower and slid on dracos quitage sweater with his number on it, i wasnt the shortest girl the sweater was maybe a few inches long for me since when i stand next to draco im eye level to his lips. I put my hair into a messy bun and put on some jeans. As I left the bathroom draco was getting dressed.

"Morning love" he smirked as he saw me making me blush

"What?" I giggled

"Your wearing my sweater" he smiled"you look good in it darling"

"Thank you draco" I wrapped my arms around the shirtless boy and he hugged me tightly when there was a loud knock on the door almost like they wanted to break the door down.

"One moment" draco slid on a t-shirt quick and I sat at his desk draco opened the door to reveal lusius malfoy. I quickly bowed to him this being my greeting for him every time I see him.

"What is she doing in your room draco." His tone was harsh and cold

"She woke up early and came here father" dracos once happy expression changed into a cold and sad one

"Why does she have your hoodie on?" He almost spat out giving me a dissatisfied look.

"Father I gave it to her quittage is starting soon after all, all the players girlfriends wear their jersey."

"Girl friend I see well y/n leave I need to talk to draco" lusius scowled and I nodded quickly walking to the door when draco caught my arm

"I'll see you later okay?" He looked me in the eye and I nodded

"I'm going to talk to professor Trelawney and ya see you later" I left the room and the door almost slammed shut Blaise was on the stairs and gave me a oh shit look.

"His father" I stated and Blaise nodded

"Y/n how you holding up?" Blaise smiled weakly

"As well as one can I guess" I shrugged

"Just know I'm here okay your like a sister to me"

"Thanks Blaise I have to go talk to a professor before classes start I'll catch you later ya?"


"Awsome when draco is done talking with his father tell him I'll be either with the professor or in my dorm he knows who" I waved as I left the slytherin dorms I walked to the tower the class was in and knocked on the door it opened revealing the curly haired teacher.

"Y/n wonder ful to see you I'd ask how you've been but I know the awnser" she looked at me and I walked in

"Professor I know I just started this class but I need to know more about the class and everything with in this area of expertise" I sat at a table Trelawney made her way to me

"Is this about the man who spoke to you"

"How did you..."

"I see things y/n like when I first meet you I saw great power and a strong aura. Y/n look into the crystal ball and concentrate, what do you see"

"I see a forest like I use to camp in when I was younger its spring and things are coming back to life" I looked closer and the image changed into a dark and creepy cage I saw my parents "my parents there in a Cage"

"Focus on your parents y/n"

      I focused harder and saw a man in a full dark close giving them food and leaving they were in a cage chained to the bars graffiti overed the walls then it disappeared it changes into a subway a number on the side of the door track 234 I see big Ben London. I didn't realize I was surrounded by the image it all disappeared and dropped the the ground gasping for air professor Trelawney kneeled beside me.

"You okay dear?" She says

"I-i think so professor is there a train entrance in London called 234?"

"There was it's abandoned now. Did you see something?"

"I need to see head master if malfoy comes in here tell him I went to see him please" I quickly get up and bolt out the door weaving around people trying to get to Dumbledore office. As I turned the corner I slammed into some one stumbling back an arm wrap around my waist to stabilize me I look up to see Harry Potter he smiles and I push away from him.

"You okay?" He smiles letting me go

"Fine" I spit out and try move past him, but he catches my waist

"Y/n slow down and talk to me"

"Leave me alone potter"

"I will if you give me a chance"

"Let me go now!" I glare at him

"Wh-" he is cut off by a loud voice

"She said to let her go potter" malfoy appears next to me and grabs Harry by his collar slamming him against a wall and I stood behind him grabbing dracos arm, so he can't punch Harry

"Dra come on let's go he isn't worth detention and potter leave me the fck alone" I kiss dracos cheek.

" next time you touch her I'll kill you potter" draco sneers dropping potter and wrapping his arm around me pulling me into kiss my temple and we walk away I grab dracos arm and pulling to a less crowded area in a hurry

"What's going on y/n" he follows keeping up with me

"I think I know where they are dra" I excitedly say as I turn my face dropping and I cup his face a large bruise on his cheek "is lusius do this"

"Yeah he did" dray pressed his cheek into my hand closing his eyes and cups his hand over mine softly smiling " I'm okay tho love I promise"

"Why did he" I hug draco tightly and his head falls to my shoulder hugging me back

"Because he is mad I've been missing classes he says I'll fall behind" he mumbles against my neck squeezing me tightly

"I'm sorry it's my fault" I mumbled back

"Hey hey no it's not" he lifts my head to look up at him "I wouldn't want this past week to be with anyone but you okay"

      I nod and he strokes cheek with his thumb he kissed my lips softly and smiles at me.

"So you think you found them?" He smiles

"Yes come on let's go to Dumbledore I'll explain on the way" I smiled and grab his hand as we walk.

(A/n: not trying to make Harry a bad guy just for the plot<3)

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