part 9

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    I explained to draco and professor Dumbledore what I saw unfortunately professor told me it wasn't concrete enough considering it was my first try and it takes years to master the are of visions. Frustrated I left his office that day it's now a week later malfoy and I started our classes and quitage had started. I was at his practice watching from the hufflepuff stands he quickly moved on his broom trying to catch the practice snitch it whizzed in front of my eyes a soft but powerful breeze causing me to blink. Images passed infront of my eyes ones of a small boy with a birthmark over his right eye one eye green one blue he looked familiar like a raven claw I saw his dad a man smiling and laughing when he dropped to the ground dead. The images flashed as the boy turned to a man in a black hood an evil smirk flashed under the hood then he vanished. The same hooded man I saw in my first vision. The vision disappeared and I gasped falling. I didn't realize how close to the rail I was but i fell over the edge of the stands.

"Y/n" draco screamed as I hurled towards the ground. I look and see draco rushing after me his hand catching my wrist before I hit the ground. He pulled me onto the broom placing me on his lap his arm around me and clung to him as he landed."are you okay? What happened"

"I-i think so just startled" I shuddered.

"What happened y/n?" Draco hugged me tightly after looking me over to make sure I didn't get hurt

"I had a vision" I mumbled into his neck

"Of your parents"

"No of a boy he has one green eye and one blue with a large birth mark over his eye. He looked like the one ravenclaw the 7th year."

    Draco thought for a moment "Thomas granly?" He raised an eyebrow"what about him"

"I saw him and his dad playing, outside he was maybe 8 years old then his dad fell dead it revealed the hooded man."

Draco stayed quiet for a moment "his dad died when he was young I attuned the funeral our mothers were close, I barley remeber it I was maybe 6. They said he was murdered I think"

"Draco I have to talk to him see if he knows anything"

"Y/n he doesn't talk about it  ever"

"I have to try dra if it's the same man I need to know"

"Okay... after we get you to the nurse for a look over hmm?" He brushed hair out of my face and I nodded.

       The nurse said I was fine nothing broken just a small scrap wear my hip hit the railing, we left the nurses office and I headed for the ravenclaw common room. I got to the door and knocked a young woman awnsered the door maybe a year six she had clear glasses and long blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"Yes?" She spoke

"Hi is Thomas granly here?" I spoke softly

"Hes in the library why?"

"I have a question for him is all thank you" I waved and walked towards the library as I walked in I scanned the toom and spotted the raven claw at a table. I started my way over to me and stood at the table the boy looked up at me definetly the boy from my vision.

"Can I help you"

"Are you Thomas" I asked softly


"Can I speak with you"


"The man in the hood" his face darkened and his jaw clenched

"Go away"

"Please I need awnsers he might be connected to my parents disappearance please I know what he did and I know it's a touchy subject" I practically begged and he looked in my eyes and nodded

"Fine but not right now next week when we take the trip to hogsmade we can meet up okay?"

"Thank you Thomas I appreciate it"

     He nodded and went back to his studies draco and I went back to pur dorms to study around 10 pm there was a knock on my door I opened it suddenly I had a bag over my head and was muffled I try to get free but I couldn't move soon I lost consciousness.

       I woke up in a cold place sound of water dripped around me I looked around my vision blurred I was in a cage, what the fuck happened. I groaned as I sat up I felt something cold on my ankle and rattling I looked down to see a chain. I looked up to see my mother and father asleep in the cages next to me.

"MOM! DAD!" I yelled my mother shot up and looked at me he once shiny smooth hair was matted and tangled full of grim

"Y/n darling" she scooted to the edge of the cage sticking her arm put to me I reach for her arm I slide an extra hair tie in her hand and she smiled and put her hair into a bun and held my hand.

"Mom where are we" I squeezed her hand

"I don't know darling" she sighed

"How did you and dad end up here"

"We were ambushed after a work even we left early since your father was tired when we got out side we were out numbered greatly" her once happy tone was now sad and discouraged. I shifted and felt my wand in my waist band.

"Mother they didn't search me" I gasped in relization

"What do you mean"

"I have my wand" I whispered softly

"You arnt strong enough y/n"

"I have to try" as I was about to reach for my wand a door opened, the man in the hood walked in.

"Ah how cute a family reunion how warming" he sneered

"Who are you and why are we here" I snapped

"Fiesty are we, cute the master will like you dearly maybe even want to wed you"

"I won't wed  anyone and I swear if you lay a hand on me ill break it off" I yelled back at him and we laughed

"We shall see but breakfast" he set trays down hard food splattering over us my dad was sitting up now he looked defeated. And the man left.

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