part 10

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      It's been about a week after I've been taken I missed draco dearly I haven't told mother about us dating yet. After all who would want to tell there family in an abandoned train tunnel that you found love like clock work the hooded man would come and bring us food I had hidden my wand behind a loose brick i was able to pull from the wall and put back. I was laying on the floor still two hours til lunch when the door swung open I looked over and saw 3 people walk in what the hell was about to happen I looked at my dad his eyes told me to behave. I looked back to the clothed beings one infront of each cage the doors the the cages opened.

"Get up all 3 of you the master wants to meet you finally" one said and the one infront if me grabbed me by my arm pulling me to my feet I annoyingly huffed but heed my dad's warning we were taken out or the door and into a open area vegetation was growing in the abandoned corridor and a train car with plants growing around sunlight trickled in threw broken cement of the ceiling it would almost be pretty in other circumstances. I was pushed towards the cars a tall lanky man stepped out.

"Why hello merlos how are we today" his eyes landed on me" you must be the spunky girl ive heard about" he grazed my cheek with his hand I pulled away

"Don't fucking touch me" I snarled

"Ah Fiesty as I've been told would be interesting to have you as a wife" he smiled his teeth were messed up all crooked and so yellow they were orange.

"Like I'd ever marry you"

"But you will If you want your folks to live" he leaned his face close to mine and I spit  in his face "why you little bitch"

"She won't wed you I'd rather die" my father snapped and my mother nodded in agreement looks like we all agreed on one thing

"You were brought here to transfer your powers to me it doesn't matter anyway you will in 4 days time or you all will die" the man wiped his face and shooed us away I had to act fast when our last meal came we had to leave.

       Finally our dinner came, we ate and I looked at my parents the nodded and I grabbed my wand "Alohomora" I pointed my wand on the chain and it opened I stood and unlocked my cage then my parents, we all hugged quickly then quietly made our way to the door

"Alohomora" I whispered the door opened and I gently pushed it open I knew there were stairs a few halls down we passed them on the way to the other tunnel we quickly and quietly found them when we heard voices yelling

"They escaped"

"You fools did you not search her... well find them now!" It was the master we ran up the stairs trying to find an exit my father pointed to one and we ran.

"Alohomora!" I pointed to the door behind the door the entrance was covered by wood "Confringo" the wood exploded off the nails revealing the city lights and we made a run for it as the footstep and yelling got closer behind us we emerged from the tunnel, I pointed to a crowd of people "we can loose them in the crowd."

"Let's go" I tucked my wand away and we ran towards the crowd trying to blend in soon the crowd moved towards a building when a someone grabbed my shoulder I quickly turned to see Hermione granger she sighed in relief hugging me I hugged her back

"Y/n" she held me tight. I hugged her back just as tight we weren't close at all but it was a familiar face.

"Hermione what are you doing here?"

"Draco sent out a search party all of us altered looking for you hello Mr and Mrs.  Merlo good to see you both come we must go"  Hermione took my hand I tok my mother and she took my father's Hermione lead us to a ally and we portkeyed back to hogwarts. "Go get cleaned up I'll let every one know okay?"

"Thank you" I showed my parents the head hugffle puffs shower chambers and I went to mine I showered letting the water run over my body I sighed at the feeling I heard a knock on the door

"Y/n we are holding a ceremony dress nice your parents have been given a wardrobe" I heard hormines voice

"Okay in how many minutes?" I called back lathering my hair.

"One hour"

"Okay um moine"


"Can you keep draco away until the ceremony?"

"Wanna make him speechless" she laughed

"Yeah" I giggled back

"Okay I'll try"

"Tell Blaise he will help"

"Sounds good"

     Hermione left and finished my shower and dried my hair curling it I did make up for once doing my make up in my house colors I pulled out my necklace mom gave me first year putting it around my neck, I grabbed one of dracos rings out of my jewelry box sliding it on I found my long black formal dress it was body fitting with a slit on the side going to my hip, I zipped the dress and put on my heels I fixed my hair and looked in the mirror I looked down at my desk there was a small box with a note.

          Draco said you should where these
               -Blaise x

I opened the box inside was Dimond earrings and a matching bracelet I smiled and put them on. I smiled my door creaked open revealing my mother and father they smiled and hugged me tightly.

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