part 5

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         Draco and I quickly found the head master. I needed to talk to him to see if he knew anything after all he was one of the wisest wizards soon we reached his office and I knocked eurgently, the door swung open.

"Ah ms.merlo mr.malfoy come in come in. What can I do for you two"

"Professor Dumbledore my parent their... their.." my voice cracked and draco pulled me into a hug and handed Dumbledore the letter. He read it.

"Oh y/n I'm so sorry" Dumbledore frowned "I'm afraid I don't know anything"

"Is there anyway we can find out anything other then just sitting around sir I have to find my parents" I choked back a sob

"As of right now I'm afraid not I'm sorry my dear... Mr malfoy you and y/n are excused for the rest of the week from classes take care of her okay?"

"Yes sir" draco took my hand and we went back to my dorm

"What could of happened to them. They are two of the most powerful how could they be missing... what if they are dead oh God could they be..." I rambled and started pacing

"Y/n stop your going to make your self sick with stress" draco took my hand and pulled me towards him"please try to calm down"

"But" I frowned

"No come on why don't you take a bath to relax okay?"

"Okay... only if you join me"

"What!?" Draco blushed I realized how it sounded and blushed back

"We can wear swim suits"i quickly added

"For the love of merlin y/n" he chuckled but nodded I grabbed my swimming suit and changed draco looked out the window as I did, we grabbed his and headed to the bathroom that no one goes to anymore. Draco started the water, when a ghost flew up from the water making draco jump.

"Holy shit" draco held his heart

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you" her voice was scratchy like she had been crying and high pitched

"Your moaning Mertyl right?" I asked looking up at her

"How did you know?" She looked at me

"Um just a guess you died from the oh what was it"i snapped my fingures trying to think

"the basilisk. I died from the basilisk yes"

"Y/n how did you know that" draco looked at me

"I did a report on the spirits of hogwarts their story's are interesting" I looked at him and nodded

"You look like you have been crying y/n what's wrong" Mertyl looked at me closly

"My parents are missing no one knows what happened"

"Oh that's not good it makes me want to cry" she sniffles then wailed disappearing leaving us covering our ears

"Oi noisy bitch isn't she" draco grumbled

"Draco be nice" I glared and him and he put his hands up

"Okay okay" he took my hand "come on let's get you relaxed hmm?"

         Draco led me into the water and sat down pulling me into the water and leaning me against his firm chest. The water was nice and hot as i submerged my body into it draco wrapped his arms over my shoulders and kissed me head I leaned back against him more feeling my muscles relax. I let out a small sigh it felt nice to be in the water with draco behind me like it would last forever.

"Better," draco whispered

"A little" I looked up at him and gave him a soft smile

"I'm glad"

"Draco do you think they will be okay"

"Honestly I don't know but I do know your stronger then you think and we can get through this" he kissed my temple and I nodded we stayed in the water til it got cold we got out and changed heading back to my dorm. Draco made me feel a bit better I opened my door and a strange man dressed in black was sitting on my bed. Draco pulled his wand on him.

"Who are you?" Draco commanded

"Ah a young malfoy" the man spoke his voice creaky with age and crackle.

"I said who are you?" Dracos voice got harsher and more stern I looked at the man he was old and pail he looked like moving th wrong way would break his back.

"Lower your wand boy I'm not going to hurt you... I might be able to help you find the merlo family or at least the parents"

"What?" I spoke finally

"Ah the young merlo I take it I'm micara mercino I can tell you have a great power use it to your advantage"

"What in the bloody hell are you talking about" draco was still on guard

"Ms.merlo has great powers the blood line of powerful witch's and wizards in her vians and purblood to, y/n do you know your ancestors well?"

"Um no sir my parents never talked about our family not even my grand parents"

"I see well I suggest you start there good luck" with that he vanished

"What the fuck" I mumbled

"Your parents really never..."

"Never" I thought."does the school keep all records of the students?"

"Um I think so?" Draco kinda question his awnser but it was worth a shot I quickly headed for the library. Draco followed behind me trying to keep up.

"Y/n slow down!" I look behind me and see draco jogging I slow down and he catches up to me "Jesus I've never seen you so determined before"


"It's okay but the books arnt going anywhere"

"Your right I just need to know" I lowered my head and draco lifted my chin to look at him

"Look I know life is crazy right now but just remeber to breath okay?"

"Okay" I nodded and draco softly kissed me and pulled away we walked to the library, once we got there I walked up to the check out counter.

"Madam Pince?" I spoke softly

"Yes dear?" She looked at me and smiled weakly"im sorry about your parents y/n"

"Oh thank you but madam prince I have a question. Do you have year books here maybe old transcripts I was hopping to find out my family history"

"I don't have transcripts no year books yes. The headmaster would have the transscrips"

"I see thank you" I frowned and went to walk away

"Dear why do you want to know about your family?"

"I've never been told about them. Just wanted to know" I lied

"I see well good luck deary" madam prince smiled and I left with draco.

"Damn it I highly doubt head master will give us the transcripts" I groaned and draco put his arm around me

"Your going to stress your self out let's just go to bed tomorrow we can come up with a plan okay?"

"Okay" draco lead me to his dorm. He handed me a t-shirt to wear and I changed he put on his flannel pj pants and laid down I layed with him my brain turning with thoughts.

"Love stop thinking just go to bed" draco mumbled against me head as he kissed the top of it. I closed my eyes and surprisingly sleep came easily.

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