Part 7

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       We walked up the stairs to head master Dumbledores office. I softly knocked on the door and it swung open Dumbledore was sat at his wooden desk reading over something when he looked up.

"Ah y/n how can I help you?" He spoke smiling at me

"Well sir with my parents disappearance I've been curious on my family tree, I spoke with Hagrid earlier he mentioned my mom had a sister? Marabell greenbear?" I sat down and draco followed me to the chairs infront of headmaster desk.

"I do belive she did let me see if I can find the files hmm?" Dumbledore flicked his wand and a drawer opened and papers flew infront of us."Ah here it is you mothers file and your aunts, marabelle and marigold greenbear"

"May I see them sir" I sat forward and he handed them to me I flipped through the papers my grandmother and grandfather were listed. As I read down my aunts information I found an address listed. "Professor are the addresses up to date on these papers?"

"Yes when a wizard moves their address updates with the move why?"

"Can I get permission for a trip I'd be back before class monday"

"Hmm i don't see why not as long as you give me an awnser"

"Sir my mother and father never told me about our family I've always been curious but never asked not wanting to cause discomfort if it was a touchy subject but in light if recent events I think is about bloody time I find out"

"Very well draco you are joking mis merlo I assume"

"Yes sir I will be" draco stated and Dumbledore nodded

"Very well" Dumbledore stood and went to a shelf grabbing a book"this book I a Portal to anywhere you want to go simple right the address or name of the place and say telo aumni"

"Thank you sir" I memorized the address and we left taking the book.

"Ready to meet your aunt?" Draco held my hand and I nodded I wrote down the address and held the book

"On 3?" I looked at him and he nodded " 1, 2, 3"

"Telo aumni" draco and I spoke in unison we appeared in front of a moderate sized house nothing like the manors but it was decent. It was Victorian styled and had a beautiful garden infront of it. It had stone colloms by the arch way to the door the siding was a pale blue with white trimming. Draco put the book in his satchels he brought and we walked to the door. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door after a few minutes a woman awnsered the door she had long brown hair, green eyes that were behind a pair of glasses. She was wearing a black cartagain and long purple dress.

"How can I help you two?" She asked her voice was soft.

"Are you marabell greenbear?" I asked my voice almost a squeak

"Yes I am who are you?" She raised an eyebrow and draco squeezed my hand

"My name is y/n merlo I'm your niece your sister marigolds daughter. She's missing and I need to know about out family" I quickly rambled out marabells face dropped a bit.

"You've gotten tall y/n last time I saw you were a baby please come in" she held the door open for us"who is this young gentleman?"

"I'm draco malfoy ma'am I'm y/n boyfriend" draco said as we walked in he shook her hand

"I see well welcome  to my home" my aunt nodded closing the door inside was filled with books.

"You said your mother was missing y/n"

"Yes and my father"

"There is more to this then what you stated before yes?"

"Yes ma'am the night I found out about my parents missing a man was in my dorm said that I was the key to finding then that my ancestors we the key that we are powerful"

"I see" aunt marabell nodded. "Well the green bears are one of the most powerful wizards the men in spells the women in deviation. Our reading the past future and present."

"I see do you know anything about my father's side?"

"Can't say i can other then they are powerful to."

"I see so possible have the power of deviation with in me?"

"It is possible you have a powerful aura y/n always have since you were a baby"

"I see may I ask you a question?"


"Why does my mother never talk about you or the rest of the family?"

"Our mother went crazy after giving birth to us your mother is my twin, mum went into the hospital declared clinically insane and was sent to askiban after trying to kill a nurse. Father was a cold man I assume he blamed marigold and I for mother's insane spell. A year after you were born your mother and I had a falling out at our dad's funeral haven't spoken since."

"Oh I see is your mother still..."

"She is I write to her occasionally" marabell replied and got up to go get some tea bringing back 3 tea cups and a kettle we stayed and talked I got to know more about our family and about my aunt I told here about how hogwarts is now and she told draco and I about the crazy things our parents did as kids we spent the whole night chatting eventually it was time to leave I hugged my aunt and told her I would write draco I wrote in the book and said the words appearing infront of hogwarts.

"Let's go to bed my love" draco said sleepily and I nodded in agreement it had been a long day and lots of information had been shared i was happy to know my aunt. But even happier to know about my history of the family. Now all I need to know is if I had the power in me.

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