part 6

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   I woke up to dracos arms firmly wrapped around my waist I looked out the window it stopped storming and the sun was shinning I looked at the clock it was 8 o'clock am. I quietly slipped put of dracos gripp and headed to the shower.

When I was done I got dressed and walked back into the bedroom draco was sitting on his bed reading a book.

"Morning love" he looked up at me "seems like a nice day out wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure can we see if Hagrid is home?" I asked going to give him a hug and he pulled me into his lap kissing my temple.

"If you would like is there a reason why,"

"I just want to know if he knows anything about who my grandparents are after all he went to school with our parents"

"Darling you mustn't get your hope up to much I know this is important to you but even so we can't do much as it is" he ran his hand through my damp hair

"I know I just feel like I don't have any control in this situation" I nestled my head into his neck

"I know I'm here okay?" He held me close and kissed my shoulder

"I know thank you draco"

"Come on let's go for that walk hmm?"

"Yeah let's go" I got off of draco and he quickly changed into a sweatshirt and jeans and we left the dorm. The weather was nice it wasn't cold but wasn't hot. A light breeze blew as we walked the grounds soon we arrived at Hagrids hut, my knuckles rapped against the hard wood and the door opened.

"Oh malfoy and merlo what are you two doing here?" Hagrid looked down at us he was a jolly man loved animals always had a new creature of some kind.

"Um well in was wondering if you knew anything about my family with my parents missing I'm curious on my family history Hagrid" I spoke

"Oh I see well your mother kind woman might I add, her maiden name was Greenbear" Hagrid though and let us inside draco and in at on a bench. "I want to say her mother's name was Mildred I could be wrong after all I wasn't in the same circle as them"

"And my father do you know anything about him"

"I'm afraid I can't say I can never spoke to him he was a great wizard tho and was a slytherin but you already know that." Hagrid smiled weakly at him

"I see thank you Hagrid" I looked down a bit disappointed

"Your not looking for trouble now are you?"

"No sir just trying to find out more about my heritage my parents never spoke about the family"

"Not even your aunt marabell?"


"Your aunt marabell don't tell me your mother..." he looked at me" Oh I see"

"I have an aunt?"

"Yes she was a ravenclaw bright girl your mother's twin if I remeber correctly if not twin then a year apart" Hagrid walked over to his kettle and poured some tea.

"Do you know if she is alive?!"

"I belive she is but I can't say for sure"

"Thank you Hagrid" I hugged him and he chuckled.

"Alright alright now off you two go I have to prepare for class will you be there today"

"Dumbledore excused us from class until next week" draco stood and put his hand on the small of my back

"Ah I see well good luck" Hagrid waved at us as we walked back to the school as we walked we ran into Harry and his friends

"Oh y/n I heard I'm so sorry about your parents" Hermione surprisingly hugged me

"Oh... um thanks Hermione" I hugged her back while I've never had a problem with them draco didn't like them so I've never talked to them before she let go of me and weakly smiled I felt eyes glued to me I look behind Hermione and see Harry his eyes glued to me.

"It's a real bummer y/n we have you in our thoughts tho" Ron stated I snapped mu gaze to him and nodded I looked at draco he was glaring at Harry.

"I appreciate it but we have to go talk to headmaster thanks guys" I went to walk pasted them when Harry stopped me

"Hey y/n I know things are crazy but do you want to go on a date" Harry smiled at me

"She's taken potter" draco snapped and wrapped his arm around me protectively

"You don't deserve someone like her malfoy"

"Harry!" Hermione scowled at him and I glared at Harry

"Fuck off Harry draco is an amazing boyfriend he is deserving of me" I snapped Harry looked shocked while Ron stiffled a laugh and draco smiled kissing my temple. "Ron Hermione pleasure chatting with you"

    I took dracos hand and started walking away from the 3 I could hear Ron laughing and Harry telling him to shut up.

"That was hot" draco smirked

"What?" I looked up at him

"You telling Harry to fuck off" he chuckled"the look on his face was priceless"

"He might be a purblood but he doesn't have the right to talk to you like that" I stated and draco smiled

"I love you"

"I love you too"

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