5 - Err0r In C0mmand - 5

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Yellow examined the control board— there were a few apps, to say. But there weren't names. This was an oddly designed control board... as if it was made by a child.

Yellow fastened a blue button into its correct spot. They had found most buttons, missing merely two, but Yellow found them unneeded. The control board had a button that accessed an app controlling the void they were placed in, with sliders, knobs, buttons and levers alike all over the screen. The app was enabled for touch-screen. He didn't want to harm them anymore in the void which they called The Deep Dark, so he thought to think before he pushed.

Blue was of no help whatsoever.

Blue looked at the buttons with a newfound wonder and slid the slider all the way down before Yellow could shove him. The entirety of the void changed into a white color, leaving all of them covering their eyes. Flashy, indeed. Yellow was quick to turn it again. The dark was preferable, but Blue said the white was better. They made a compromise and slid it just halfway, making the void a sort of grey.

So, that was brightness. What of the knob? The buttons, the many levers? What could harm them? What could help them? What did particularly nothing? He still didn't know.

He turned the control board off and walked back to their little base for dinner.

He still couldn't really shake his ideas.

He didn't know. He really didn't.

When he had finished dinner and finished washing the dishes, as it was his turn, he sat outside in the Deep Dark and looked around. It wasn't such 'dark' anymore. Still deep, it took deep understanding, it stretched further then Yellow could comprehend, but not quite as dark.

Yellow had contemplated changing it to the 'Deep Semi-Dark,' in honor of the slider that could change its brightness. Yellow eventually went back in. Who was behind this? Why had they left so many clues?

They wanted the group to get out.

The conclusion hit faster than Yellow deemed a heartbeat, someone had set this up to watch them. They wanted the group to find their way out. A game, a puzzle, that's what it was.

Who would do that?

It hit him like a rocket.

This was an oddly designed control board... as if it was made by a child.

Of course.

Yellow had been so stupid not to realize it before.

He tried not to laugh at his own stupidity, but it happened anyway. He felt so oddly stupid.

Of course Purple had set this up.

Why wouldn't he?

Yellow stood up.

"I've figured it out," He yelled.

"Clever little trick, but I'm still mad at you." He said pointedly. No response.

"Purple?" Yellow asked out to the Deep Dark, and suddenly, a face flashed in front of him. Purple. His form shimmered, it was a hologram. He looked worried.

"Wh3r3- 4r3-" A signal couldn't get through, it was as if... Purple was glitching. An error, at most. Just an Error in Command.

That was all.


Hello, my lovelies!

I apologize for updating so late, lack of motivation on me.

On a different note, listening to Rock music while doing this!! Thanks for reading!

Did you catch my reference to the title? YOU BETTER HAVE 😠

Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful day!

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