6 - Expectati0ns - 6

61 4 13

Hello, lovelies!

This chapter took me a few days to write because I'm really tired and unmotivated. However, it seemed that everyone liked the series, so I'll try my hardest to continue it. (Besides, I never want to leave you amazing people !!)

Furthermore, I wasn't quite sure how to write this chapter, sorry if it is random.


I hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'll keep trying to upload more!


Since Purple's seemed panic, Yellow was on edge.

He had been tinkering with the control board for quite a while now, figuring out little perks. They could not only change the 'brightness' of the Deep Dark, they could change the temperature of the void, (which, in such, Green has taken complete charge of,) as well as lower and raise the ceiling.

It brought some mild entertainment, he supposed.

Still no exit.

Yellow had heard nothing of Purple since that strange moment. He didn't even know how he had contacted Purple, and couldn't believe that the group was just so... calm. It was annoying, in all honesty.

Yellow took a deep breath and put his hands behind his back, looking down. Thinking.

He had triggered something, or Purple had. He needed a way to reach Purple. How did it happen the first time?

Yellow found himself pacing, thinking still. Thinking wasn't helping. Thinking really wasn't helping. It wouldn't be long before he felt overwhelmed, and with the group back at the makeshift base, Yellow had no one to calm him. He kept pacing until his legs were tired, and he sat down right where he was.

"Come on... something..." He murmured to himself as he sat, his arms crossed over his chest. Eventually he released his arms and groaned. He hated not having an answer.

He was supposed to have an answer. Always.

He couldn't always live up to that expectation, though, could he?

Yellow picked mindlessly at his food, and he wasn't one to be mindlessly. He was elsewhere, not exactly lost in a train of thought, he had probably just missed it, because he wasn't thinking at all. Just wandering through the emptiness in his head.

One thing Yellow hated was not knowing. He was supposed to be smart, wasn't he? He needed to know things, always had to know things.


He was so out of it he didn't even hear Blue call his name, until he shoved his shoulder. Yellow blinked back into reality, looking over at Blue. He looked worried. "Are you okay? You're being cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs." Blue asked, sliding his chair next to Yellows. When Yellow didn't respond immediately, Blue kept talking.

"When we get out of here, I'm gonna make myself some tacos. I miss other foods." He said, talking about food, which Yellow looked down and realized his plate had barely been consumed. Yellow was very hungry, so he got to work as Blue talked.

Eventually the other was finished rambling, and by then, Yellow had finished his plate and started on washing the dishes. Blue looked over at him for a moment.

"You don't always gotta know the answers, Yellow." He said suddenly. Yellow stopped for a moment, the plate he was washing clinking against others as he dropped it in the sink. "Of course I do. That's my job." Yellow responded. Blue tilted his head. "No it ain't, nobody expects you to be perfect. You don't have to be, okay?" The man said it with a smile. Yellow hesitated, then turned on his heel and left the room.

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