9 - The P0rtal - 9

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Eventually, he decided to excuse himself from the table to sleep. He didn't bother doing any cleaning that night, as he had cleaned for every other night there, while the others took turns.

He changed into his pajamas and headed towards the small bedroom for him and Green. He got under the covers and decided to wish himself a good night and fell asleep.

Could he sleep? Somehow, yes.

But he woke up late in the night, rubbing his eyes. What was on top of him was the Command Block, again.


Yellow abruptly sat up, stared wide-eyed. Green was fast asleep in his own little bed, snoring.

Yellow was debating what to do. He slowly got out from bed, and inspected it. The block seemed to follow him, just begging for him to touch it again. Yellow backed away again, and tripped— and fell.

Green murmured something and sat up, half-asleep. If anything woke him up, it was the floating Command Block following Yellow. Green let out a small scream and fell face-first on the floor.

That woke the others up— for sure. Yellow stared at the Command Block. It got them here— could it get them out?

He wasn't sure.

He lifted his hand to touch it. Green must've had other ideas, because it must've been him who grabbed his arm and pulled him away—

—Or not.

It was Blue, somehow. Had he entered the room? Was Yellow really not paying any attention? That was shocking to him, honestly. At that, Yellow lowered his hand, and Blue let him go. Was that a good idea? Instinct or logic? Questions that most people wouldn't be thinking in the situation rummaged through his mind. He just cared more, he supposed.

"...I didn't mean to-" Blue stopped himself, and shook his head. Yellow looked down and realized his ankle hurt. It must've hit the bed. He hadn't noticed that either?

Yellow didn't say anything as he stepped away from the bed, the Command Block moved an inch to stay on pace with Yellow. Red and The Second Coming entered the room— both looked tired. "The hell's going on- woah." The Second Coming was the first to speak, gaping at the block just— floating. Red shrieked, fell, just like Green. It made a humming sound— and that was it. "Touch it!" Green said, still on the ground.

"That doesn't sound like a good idea."
Blue put in. Yellow shrugged.

He reached out towards the Command Block, lifted his hand. He noticed The Second Coming and Blue tensing up, Red had his hands up. Green was still on the ground.

Yellow eventually took a deep breath, let his fingers rest on the orange edge of the Command Block.

He looked at it, pulled away.

"Huh. Weird. I expected something to hap-" Before Yellow could finish his sentence, he heard a loud, loud noise. The Color Gang, including Green, ran outside to look. Some sort of white— glowing— portal.

Blue stared wide-eyed and stepped towards it. "Fool around, and we get out." Green grinned. Yellow scratched the side of his head. "Is it... safe?"

Blue shrugged. Red sighed. "On the count of three, we run through. One, two-" Red was interrupted by Blue throwing his hands up and yelling, "FOUR!" And running through the portal. The rest of the gang looked at each other, shrugged, and ran in after.

Then, they emerged on the other side.

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