•S I X T Y - O N E•

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"Hei Mamma." I smiled, walking into my office and pulling the door closed behind me.

"Hei kjære." My mom answered, sounding like she was in the car.

"Er du på vei?" I asked, wanting to know if she was making her way to the arena yet.

"Ja." She answered, sounding excited.

"Good." I smiled. "I can't wait to see you."

"Me too." She said, the excitement evident in her voice.

"Text me when you get here and I'll come get you from the parking garage." I smiled, sitting down at my desk.

"Sounds good." My mom spoke. "I'll see you soon."

"See you Mamma." I grinned, hanging up the phone.

"You ready for tonight Smudgers?" I said, looking down at my dog who sat on his bed under my desk. He looked back at me expectantly, his eyes staring into mine. "I wish I could know what you were thinking." I sighed. "Let's go." I finally decided, gathering the papers on my desk and Smudge's leash, leading him out the door of my office. I made my way downstairs just in time to catch the first set of guys on their way in.

"Hey guys!" I smiled, setting down the papers for hockey fights cancer night and sharpies.

"Hey Jo." Brock smiled, taking one of the papers to fill out.

"How are you?" I asked, starting to walk towards the parking garage.

"Pretty good thanks." Brock smiled, focusing down on the paper. I smiled as I rounded the corner, walking down the hall just in time to see Matt.

"Hey pretty." Matt smiled, wrapping his arms around me.

"Hey Matty." I grinned, leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips before I pulled away from him. "There are papers for you to write on, Mamma is here!"

"Alright, you go get her." Matt smiled, watching as I walked into the garage.

"See you soon." I smiled, making my way towards my moms car. "Mamma!"

"Rory." She grinned, wrapping her arms around me.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in ages." I laughed, leading her inside with me.

"I know." She frowned. "Let's catch up before the game."

"Sounds good." I smiled, leading her inside. She followed me down the hall, where we found Matt writing on one of the posters.

"Matt." My mom grinned, running a hand over his back.

"Celine." He smiled, turning around to wrap his arms around her. As he hugged her he looked over to me, sending me a sad look. This is his first time seeing her without hair, although he knew she was going to loose it over the last few months.

"Well it's good to see you." My mom grinned. "We're going to catch up but I will visit you after the game."

"Sounds good." He grinned. "I love the jersey by the way." He smiled, looking at the Hockey Fights Cancer jersey with Boldy written across the back.

"Oh thank you." She smiled. "A very nice man sent it to me while I was getting treatment."

I looked over to Matt, watching as his eyes lit with pain and joy. He glanced over to me, trying his best to look happy for me, for my mom, for us.

I focused back on reality as my mom wrapped her arm around my side, prompting me to lead her and Smudge towards the stairs that led to my office.

"He is so sweet." My mom smiled, taking a seat in one of the chairs across from my desk.

"He really is the best." I smiled, organizing the roster sheets on my desk. "So how was the latest treatment?"

"It was ok." She sighed, leaning back as she looked at me sadly.

"Talk to me Mamma." I sighed.

"Please don't be upset min kjærlighet." She said, looking up at me. "I've accepted it, and I'd appreciate it if you would too."

"Mamma, what's happening?" I asked, worry bubbling in my stomach.

"I don't have much time left Rory." She spoke, her eyes looking down. "It hurts me deeply to know that my time is coming, but I've accepted it."

"No, Mamma." I cried.

"Rory, please don't make this harder than it is." She spoke, reaching over my desk to hold my hands. "I'm at peace with this."

"Mamma, theres so much left." I panicked. "You have so much more to see."

"Rory." She smiled sadly. "I've seen everything I wanted to. I watched all of my children grow into successful individuals, I've watched each of you graduate college and land your dream jobs. And I've finally seen all of my kids fall in love."

"But Mamma, you can't leave me yet." I cried. "I need you."

"No you don't Rory." She smiled. "You are so strong and I love you so so much. But living is becoming painful for me. Do you remember what I told you?"

I could only nod in response, reaching for a tissue to dab my eyes.

"Tell me Rory." She smiled.

"Hold on until letting go is less painful." I sobbed, my heart breaking.

"I'm going to fight this for as long as I can, and it's a battle that I will loose, but I know I have a few things left to see before I go." She grinned. "Now, let's go have fun for my last game."

"Ok." I sighed, standing up. I have to do my best to be strong for my mom, but how do I do that after hearing her time is coming.

"I have a few surprises for you." I smiled, leading Smudge down the stairs as I walked with my mom.

"Do you?" She smiled, her eyes lighting up.

"Yes." I grinned, thinking about what the team and I had planned for my mom. "Follow me." I led her down the tunnel and away from the locker room, turning for the tunnel to the bench. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing her grinning as we emerged. I watched as she looked around in awe, the fans already piling in along the glass.

"This is amazing Rory." She smiled, looking up and around her.

"Pretty cool right?" I smiled back, watching her. "The guys are about to start coming out for warmups."

"Oh we better go then." She said, turning back towards the tunnel.

"No no." I smiled. "We're wishing then luck from right here before they hit the ice."

"Oh wow." She smiled, color returning to her cheeks for the first time in a long time.

"Celine!" Matt smiled, leading the guys onto the ice, Brock close behind him.

"Hi Matt." She smiled, offering him a fist bump. "Good luck tonight."

"Thank you." He chuckled, fist bumping her. I looked to him, doing my best to look happy, but it was nearly impossible, and he can tell. He glanced at me with a questioning look on his face before moving closer to me on the bench for a minute.

"You ok?" He whispered, eyes scanning my face.

"Yeah, it's just hard." I sighed, looking up at him.

"I know." He sighed. "I love you." He smiled down at me, starting to move closer to my mom.

"Play good for me Matt!" My mom smiled, grinning as he knocked the pucks onto the ice. I stood behind my mom as she offered fist bumps to each of the boys as they walked by. Her smile never left her face, making my heart swell with love. I'll be strong, just for you mamma.

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