Colet was struggling to catch up with Mikha in the hallway. What happened to you last night? I was trying to call you.
I was out doing a project, too tired to get back to you, sorry. Mikha explained.
You guys have a project this early. Wow! Welcome to adult life Mikhs, you are really serious about your studies, hah? Colet was teasing her.
Mikhs lied. She was out getting to know her partner for a school work. Yes! Eventually, I will handle our business, so why not start learning it now, right? You see, my professor gave us a project involving finance. Can you recommend any interesting topic? Mikha asked.
Good luck, my friend. You are asking the wrong person. I am taking up pre-law, remember? Business is out of my league, unfortunately. Colet dragged Mikha to the cafeteria to get their lunch.
They saw the rest of their friends standing by. They propose to hang out for the weekend and just enjoy before they grow too busy for the semester.
Mikha and Aya meet again after class to complete their strategy for their project. Mikha appeared into the library first and while awaiting for Aya she picked some books and newspaper to seek some fresh ideas. She ran across the business section relating about a Filipina who succeeded as an entrepreneur in networked selling.
"That's it! Perfect thought for our project". Mikha wrote it down and informed Aya about it. She likes the concept since she can relate. After a couple of brainstorming, they complete things for their project.
By the way, what are you doing this weekend, Aya? Mikha enquired while packing her bag.
No plans yet? Why do you ask? Aya stated.
You mentioned you have seen a little of Manila, right? My friends and I are going out over the weekend, so why not come with us, and we can show you around? Mikha suggested.
Hmmm... That will be nice. Do you mind if I can take my cousin with me? Aya said.
Yes, of course, the more the merrier. I will message you tonight where to meet. Mikha is chirping with excitement.
The group met at the mall early morning. The mighty four planned to bring Aya within Intramuros. They have Colet's van so they can all fit together in one car.
Aya spotted Mikha right away. The mighty three were chatting and laughing when Aya and her relative arrived.
Hi Mikha. By the way, I would like you to meet my cousin. They approached the rest, and it surprised the 3 to see the person with Aya.

FanfictionA story of two people beautifully discovered a true meaning of friendship. A Chinese proverb says they are always an invisible thread connecting to those who will meet, whatever the circumstances may be. They will be tangled, stretch, but will never...