Chapter 20. A Pace

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The couple spending time together in the apartment thereafter, they came official. They also study alongside each other, which forced Mikhs to use the campus library to do her schoolwork.

If Keiro's pickup was in the driveway, she will manoeuvre back her car and drive around the city until dark. Despite all of that, she discovered an amenable escape through the company of Jazz and Julia. Mikhs somehow found a breather through Jazz, spending time in her place watching films and playing video games helps her forget. Other times she will be in a bar watching Julia perform with her band. Listening to her voice while singing exudes serenity in her entangled heart.

Mikhs went home late on one occasion. When she opened the door, it surprised her by looking at an open night lamp grazing the place with Aya sleeping in the lounge. Mikhs bent down, admiring the calmness of the pretty face of her roommate. She misses her dearly, but she could not stand facing Aya being affectionate with her boyfriend in her place.

Mikhs tucked away the hair covering Aya's face, and the latter felt her presence adjusting her eyesight to wake up, "Hey" The only thing Aya said.

Why sleep here? Mikhs asked and sat beside her.

I was waiting for you. I am worried. Every night you come home late. Aya, voicing her concerned.

I am a big girl. You don't need to worry about me. She responded.

Do we have a problem, Mikhs? Aya blurted out of nowhere, sending a melancholy sensation from her voice.

Huh? No, why did you ask? Mikhs diverted her gaze away from Aya.

I don't know. Lately, you seem distant. Aya trying to figure out her roomie, but can only sense uncertainty through her actions.

I am so sorry if you think that way. Just so occupied at school and from volleyball practices. Next time I will make sure we bond again, let us say a movie night just like the old times. Mikhs held Aya's hand for reassurance.

Aya snuggled more closely without a warning. Mikha is worried that she might sense how fast the pace of her heartbeat. "Hey! It is not obvious you miss me too much". She said, trying to change the ambience in the air.

You are full of yourself. Aya whispered. Mikhs trying to get away from the hold, but the more the latter tightens her grip.

Where do you think you are going? Can we stay like this for a while, please? Aya leaning on her chest, begging.

Mikhs bewildered from another mixed signal Aya giving her, or so she imagined it would be. "OK, do you want me to run a film? We can have a late night since it is Friday." The only thing she says, persuading the erratic beat of her tired heart.

Yes, I love the sound of it. Wait, I will just get a blanket before you play it. Aya said, smiling.

Aya came back and reclined their sofa, spreading the blanket she took from her room. Mikhs can smell Aya's scent through it, then glance at the person next to her. Aya caught her looking, giving her the most precious smiles that she misses so much.

Promise me, whatever happens, we will stay together as friends, please. Her grip sending a silent cry, pleading and afraid of letting go.

Mikhs saw a small teardrop running from Aya's face, wipes it off using the pad of her thumb. "Of course,"

Aya lifted her head, staring at her. "That was not the answer I was expecting".

OK, OK, I promised. Happy now. Mikhs looks back, trying to decode what was in her mind.

I am delighted. Touches Mikha's face, then pinches her cheeks afterwards. I miss you, you know, and snuggled back into her.

Hmmm... The only thing Mikhs said, reciprocating the hug, hoping for the moment will never end.

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