The entire week went well with everyone. Mikha and Aya fell into a habit of studying together after working on their project. Friday Midday, while the group is having their lunch, they talk about the upcoming meeting with the rest of the Amazonians. The group can sense Gwen's desperation to avoid the topic.
Guys, can we delay seeing them for another day, please? Gwen was pleading while biting her nails.
We can't back out this time, Gwen. See last week how Sheen looked at us? She can take our eyeballs out if she has the chance to. Jho said, fearing for her life.
Besides, we can't hide any longer. Aya and Sheen knew us now, might as well sway with the music before it gets too complicated. Colete convincing Gwene.
Remember, we are "the mighty four", fearless and ready to conquer the jungle... I mean anyone. We can tame those Amazonas, you will see. Mikha winks, trying to calm Gwene.
Saturday. The day of facing the imminent danger in the quad of precarious creatures. Mikha and her allies are on the way to Aya and Sheen's residence. Gwene could not stop fidgeting since they left Mikha's flat.
Aya opens the gate when they arrived and guided the group into the pool area. Gwene is pushing her friends to walk first, and tailed MIkhs. Aya can sense the group's perturbation. The moment they approached Sheen's friends, the consequences were felt already.
Ouch...ouch.... ouch...... ouch..... The group said in unison. They had strong whipped at the back of their head. The other girl pinched their ear, and the last person squeezed them on their sides. A non-stop flinching and aches can be heard. Aya could not cease to laugh at the scenery.
Ouch....ummpp Hold on. Don't you think you are too harsh on us? We never lay our hands on you. Mikha complaint while shielding herself.
What did you guys do to hate by them, anyway? Aya is wondering how intense the incident was for Sheen's friends to act against Mikh's group that much.
This one, while twisting Gwen's right air lobe, did something horrible to us. Audrey started.
Ouch. Ouch...ouch.... Enough, please.... My ears are going to fall off. Gwene trying to run away from the grip of Audrey.
Noohhh..... You all still need to make it up to us, you Monkey–pointing to Gwene. Audrey looking so furious.
Keep your fire prrrt...prrrtt prrrttt! You guys will bruise them. Stop and move on. You don't want to end up in jail for physical harassment right, especially you Audrey. Aya shouted while standing on a footstool, trying to avoid the commotion. It astounded the group by how loud Aya's voice can be.
Move on? Are you kidding me? These Monkeys scarred my lovely reputation from that incident. Shared by enraging Audrey. She added, "I mean, look at them, still smirking. Do you not have some remorse about what you cause me?"
The mighty four could not help smiling, recollecting the scene. They received another whipped at the back of their head. The curiosity of Aya grew and ask for an answer.

FanfictionA story of two people beautifully discovered a true meaning of friendship. A Chinese proverb says they are always an invisible thread connecting to those who will meet, whatever the circumstances may be. They will be tangled, stretch, but will never...