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The Peacekeepers took a while to show up. Ophelia wondered if she had miscounted the bodies. Could there be one more tribute left in the arena? But upon second look, everyone was accounted for. Ophelia passed the time by sprinkling the crumbs of her roll of bread over the bodies. She whispered the sacred prayer for all of them.

Ophelia also removed the remaining flowers from her hair. Most of them had fallen out, but four small, wilted flowers remained. Ophelia placed one in the hand of each of the tributes she killed, including Treech. Though she hadn't killed him, she wanted to repay him for his kindness to her, even though her action wouldn't be equivalent.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she placed the flower in his open palm. "I'll give the necklace back to Venus, I promise. At least it was one of us, but it should have been you."

Tears started to fall down Ophelia's face as she mourned for the people she'd be leaving behind. Twenty-three other children died so she could survive. And now Ophelia would have to live the rest of her life with that guilt.

After a lengthy time of sitting and crying, a squad of Peacekeepers arrived to remove Ophelia from the arena. She was escorted to a van and taken to some sort of medical facility. Ophelia assumed it was a hospital, but it was significantly more advanced than those in District Two.

Once she was in a room, a nurse took Ophelia's vitals and inserted an IV into her arm, telling her that it would provide her with hydration and nutrients. Ophelia was grateful for the combination; she felt weak from her inadequate supply of sustenance while in the arena. The nurse gave her a hospital gown, assuring her that her dress would be washed and returned. There was a small bathroom in Ophelia's room, so she was able to wash the dirt and blood from her skin.

Once Ophelia was settled and had her physical examination, the nurse left, closing the door behind her. Ophelia wanted to rest, she could barely keep her eyes open with how tired she was. But she didn't know what would happen if she fell asleep. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw the arena. Blood was everywhere, even though her skin was scrubbed clean. If she slept, she knew her dreams would be worse. And she was unsure of her surroundings. She didn't know if she was safe enough to sleep.

A knock sounded from the other side of the door. Ophelia jumped at the sudden noise, her heart skipping a beat. Just a knock at the door, she reminded herself. You're safe now.

"Come in," said Ophelia, her voice raspy in her throat.

The door opened slowly, revealing Sejanus. Ophelia sat up and opened her arms for him. He crossed the room and hugged her. Ophelia loosely linked her arms around Sejanus's neck and buried her face in the crook of his neck.

He held onto her like he'd never let go. Ophelia wished he wouldn't. His was the lifeline she needed when everything felt so uncertain. She cried into his shoulder, harder than she she ever had in her life. Her tears soaked into his shirt.

"It's okay, Honey," whispered Sejanus, his voice raw with emotion. "You're safe now. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."

He was right. Ophelia was safe now, but she only felt like it because he was with her.

It felt like an eternity before they pulled away from each other.

"Shouldn't you be off celebrating with your friends?" she asked.

Sejanus shook his head. "It felt weird to celebrate without you. Not much to celebrate anyway. But there's a dinner tonight at the Academy. If you're feeling up to it, we're both supposed to be there."

"I'm glad you're here," said Ophelia.

Sejanus smiled. "Me too."

Ophelia moved over and patted the mattress next to her. "Sit."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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