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Ophelia waited in the wings of the Academy auditorium for Sejanus to arrive. The tributes who had chosen to take part in the interviews stood in a single file line, organized in district order, meaning Ophelia would go first. She was alright with that. The sooner she went, the sooner it would be over.

The backstage chatter increased as the mentors entered. Ophelia turned around so she could find Sejanus. She caught Treech's eye instead. He shot her a thumbs up and a smile before his mentor arrived, sending a smile of her own to Ophelia. She smiled back before her gaze landed on Sejanus.

"Hey, Phee," he said once he joined her.

"Hey," said Ophelia.

She took a long look at him. He was wearing a dark gray suit over a white dress shirt. A purple tie completed the look. The color perfectly matched the flowers in Ophelia's hair.

"What?" asked Sejanus.

Ophelia blinked and directed her attention back to his face. "You look handsome."

Sejanus blushed. "Thank you. You look stunning, Phee. Are you nervous?"

Ophelia shrugged. "A little. But I'll have you with me, so I know I'll be okay."

Her attention shifted from Sejanus to the stage, where the interviewer, Lucky Flickerman, was giving an introductory speech. Ophelia caught a glimpse of the seats in the auditorium. The room was packed with audience members and the camera crew.

Ophelia felt Sejanus's hand slip into hers. He squeezed it tightly. "Don't think about the audience. It'll just be us out there," he whispered.

Ophelia squeezed his hand back.

On stage, Flickerman finished his spiel. "And now, the moment you all have been waiting for, the interviews are about to begin! Our first tribute, Ophelia Vellum, hails from District Two. She'll be joined tonight by her mentor, Sejanus Plinth."

Sejanus loosened his grip on Ophelia's hand, but she continued to hold on. "It's okay," she whispered. "If you don't mind, that is."

"Of course, I don't," Sejanus whispered back. "Are you ready?"

Ophelia nodded. "Let's do this."

The pair walked onstage together. Ophelia tried to ignore the audience clapping and cheering for them as they sat in their designated chairs in the middle of the stage. Thankfully, the blinding spotlights made it a relatively simple task.

Ophelia took a seat in one of the chairs, her hand still clasped in Sejanus's. She smoothed the skirt of her dress with her free hand, splaying her fingers across her knee.

"Good evening," greeted Lucky. "You both look wonderful."

Ophelia smiled shyly at the weatherman.

"Now, to start off, I've heard you're quite the artist, Ophelia," said Lucky.

Ophelia looked over at Sejanus. He smiled at her and nodded encouragingly. "I am," she said slowly. "I used to paint a lot when I lived in Two. I was starting to make a business out of it before–" She let her voice trail off.

"Well, we have some paper for you," said Lucky. He reached behind his chair and removed the notebook and charcoal that Sejanus had found for her. Ophelia felt her lips pull into a smile. "How about you draw as we talk, and you can show the audience what you've made once we're done?" suggested Lucky.

Ophelia nodded and took the supplies from him, a little disappointed that she had to let go of Sejanus's hand to do so. She opened the pad of paper and immediately began sketching out a design. Sejanus had suggested that she draw Lucky. "It'll boost his ego," he had claimed. "The audience will love it."

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