boold, bruise and a heart break

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Meako's POV lunch time

I smile when I hear footsteps till I get his scent I looked up and saw Griff Jones. He grabs me by my hair and Yanks me up off the floor. Winced from pain. He just laughed at me he leans in and whispered in my ear. "This is for turning my best friend into a Fag."  (I'm sorry for using this word believe me I hate this word very much I just wanted to make this charter a hateful person to make it more interesting I guess)
I growled at the word it's a hateful word I hate it it's disgusting and I Wana kill him for using it. He throws me to the wall and that's when I see August....and savannah. She kisses him on the lips and he pulls her closer pressing their bodys together. I feel like something hit me in my chest hard enough to break my heart into a million pieces it hurts so much more then people ever say. I backed into a locker and looked around and I see a door and I run for it I run down the street and I almost made it home till someone grabbed me by my hair and they beat me till I blacked out. I wake up eventually and it's dark out or they beat me till I can't see one of the two. I curled me knees into me. I Wana cry but can't I mean it's my fault why should I be sad at my own stupidity I fell for him I fell for a boy who was my bullie for years and I fell for him cause he told me he was mine and I thought he was but he's her's and nothing else. A few tears roll down my face but I wiped them away and walked home. I hear my parents yelling at me and asking me something but my ears are ringing to loud for me to understand what. I walked upstairs and I slammed the bathroom door I looked in the mirror my face is all messed up I have at least 3 cuts and it's all bruised I have blood running down from my nose. I shake my head and turn on the shower I just sit in the shower and let the blood and the dirt and everything run off my body I sit in here for hours the water is cold now I just don't want to move it's quiet in here no calling me names and beat me up or hurt me I like it in here.  I finally get out of the shower and I slowly get changed and I go in my room I just lay on the floor and close my eyes I think about how bad it all hurts my hole body hurts so much I Wana scream and cry and just tell it all to stop but I dever it I dever to feel pain for falling so stupidly hard for him I Wana punch my self in the face and call me an idiot. (Not mine not mine not mine) My wolf whines. I roll my eyes and fall asleep.

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