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August POV

I saw Meako and that other boy talking again at school on Monday I hate this so much it's been a few days since our ....not break up we were never together but since we stopped doing whatever it was were doing I signed annoyed at how they laughed together and talked and hung out with each other I walked over to my friends. " Hey August you ok?" Wolf asked me I nodded and sat down next to him/her (wolf is gender fluid) I know wolf's parents don't exactly believe in that sorta thing there very heavy on the Christian by the book thing and so is my family I put my arm around his/her shoulders. Wolf Smiles and leans on me Griff glares at me and I raise an eyebrow but shrug it off. I don't have any interest in wolf romantically but he's/she's a friend that's going through stuff at home and I like showing her/him that he's/she's not alone. Wolf has short hair now he/she decided to cut it it used to be looooooong all the way to her/his waist she/he had to move it whenever she/he sat down now it's not even past her/his ears all the way she's/he's also got pail skin and a he's/she's got some wait to him/her but he's/she's mainly all muscle he's/she's usually wearing mainly all
boys clothes that are baggy on him/her he/she doesn't like having a chest and It helps
cover it I smile at how some people who don't know her/him and think he's/she's always been a boy I know it makes wolf happy. "You ok?" I whispered she/he nods and leans into me a little. I know wolf hates people HATES like more then Meako did but I know wolf has a lot of childhood trauma he/she doesn't really like talking about it much but I remember wolf telling me about it a while ago. I stand up. "Come on." I smiled and wolf followed me outside to the back of the school I sat down and so did he/she. We don't talk for a while wolf is a very quiet person and I have to admit he's/she's got this way of talking or understanding and showing that cares for you without even needing to say anything it's nice actually. I smile as he/she just sits there looking at something in the grass and she/he pulls a little bug off a blade of grass and it crawls on her arm and back on the grass.

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