The underground base

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Hiero is surprised

Ava drags him by the collar and says "Come on let me teach you how to hunt".

The Two go out into the forest and hunt for weeks, big animals and small, Ava teaches Hiero about the multiple dangers and beauties of hunting, it becomes nightfall and they both call it a day. As Hiero wakes up he opens his eyes to Ava practicing as she throws a small mace into a tree and uses a long hammer to hit it as hard as she can, Hiero asks her what she is doing and

Ava says "Today we are hunting the Rock's Grinder"

Hiero not so sure about it asks if she is sure about it.

Ava replies " It is already on its way we have been Hunting, Eating, and Sleeping within its territory the only reason we have not seen it yet is because it was mating season and mating season is almost over so hopefully we will see him soon".

 Hiero frantically yells " What do you mean why would you do that lets leave before it comes"

Ava Replies "We can't leave the only way we can leave is by getting the armor from the Rock's Grinder and moving to the next town since we angered those bounty hunters they are on our trail with their whole pack"

Hiero annoyed and frustrated asks "So how are we going to kill it?".

As soon as Hiero finishes his sentence they can hear a low Hum Growl this is the Rock's Grinder's way of saying I know you are there and I am giving you time to leave. Ava tosses the Small Mace to Hiero and tells him to hit on top of its back. A few seconds later the Hum Growl Turns into a Roar and the Rock's Grinder hops out of the Bushes swinging its tail back and forth to try and hit the duo, dodging each move Hiero tries to land a precise blow on the Rock's Grinder but each blow is bounced back by the reflecting scales of the Beast after many failed attempts at landing a critical blow Hiero notices that each time he is about to hit the Sclaes they flair up, The next blow Hiero Lands is a false one as he tries to down slam the Mace into the armor he uses all the might he used to downslam to stop the mace, as the scales relaxes he goes for another strong downward swing, this penetrates the armor of the Rock's Grinder, Ava seeing the mace planted in the creature jumps with all her might and uses the force to swing downward and hit the mace further embedding it into the creature and taking it down. As nightfall is just starting Hiero and Ava are almost finished stripping the Rock's Grinder of its Impenetrable Bones and Scales.

Ava says " With the shape that this Rock's Grinder was in we should be able to get a decent price on each scale and a fortune on the bones"

Hiero questions "Well if the scales are impenetrable can't we keep some they might be useful later on?".

Ava not seeing any harm in keeping some of the scores for themselves agrees and they both set a bag full of the Rock's Grinder's scales to the side for themselves. It is daybreak and Ava is worried about the Bounty Hunters catching up with her and Hiero so instead she sets a trap, Ava opens up the Rock's Grinder takes some of its meat, wraps it in some cloth, and stuffs it into several trees surrounding the area.

Hiero confused asks Ava "What are you doing"

Ava says " I am setting a trap for the Bounty Hunter Pack that is following us, I have set bits of the Rock's Grinder's Body so that the surrounding predators know that the Rock Grinder is dead, and they, in turn, will overflow this area, These beasts are not to be messed with and should take some of the Bounty Hunters out and should slow them down"

Ava concerned about Hiero says "Go back to the City of Ox and stay there for a couple of weeks to make sure that they didn't follow you these hunters are dumb but not dumb enough to walk straight into execution I will take a separate path so don't worry about me and don't forget about your coin in case some of the officials are still looking for you remember what I said the shadiest place in the city"

Hiero understands all that is said nods and with all of that said Hiero and Ava part ways. A couple of days later Hiero is back in the City of Ox with a new name and appearance, Vara is his new name within the city and he works as a General Fixer, Knowing how to sharpen a blade from his experiences with Stren he opens his own stall and starts to repair and sharpen the broken tools or blades of anyone who comes to him paying a reasonable price. When he finishes with work he walks down the same path he used to walk down to get to Strens Forge and instead of a forge, it is an Inn, Terra's Inn, Hiero enters the Inn for the night to see what has been changed about the old Forge, Clean floors and a staircase to the rooms above, Hungry, Hiero orders Black bean berry stew. As Hiero is eating he overhears

 The First Soldiers says "It is about time they put a stop to the Blademaster of the West"

The second Solider replies " I know right he won't know what is coming"

The First Solider says " Their stronghold is apparently in the Town of Bok and I heard that everyone in Bok automatically has a debt to be paid to The West each year or else they get sold away, some people sell members of their family to get out of the Town but end up hunted down and captured to be held as leverage for the other family members or to be worked to the bone until their debt is cleared"

Hiero was angry and saddened by this conversation he overheard, he was overwhelmed with thoughts "My family is still alive?" "Did they leave me on purpose or accident?" as all these thoughts rush through his head he is interrupted by the sound of a bounty hunter opening the Inn door, 
some bounty hunters are recognizable by the sigil they have to identify what company they hunt under, As the bounty hunter is ordering some food Hiero takes his room key and goes to his room to sleep off the long day. As Hiero wakes up he remembers the conversation that the two Officials were having he also heard that they were staying in the Inn to try and avoid the conflict, and Hiero sees this as a prime opportunity, Hiero sneaks into one of the Solider's rooms and takes his armor and his signed weapon (Within the City of Ox only soldiers can have weapons and when their weapon is forged it is signed by the blacksmith who made it). As The City of Ox initiates the March to the Town of Bok, Hiero fits his armor tightly to not draw any suspicion to himself and leaves the Inn to join the March to the Town of Bok. A couple of days pass as Hiero is marching with the Ox Army. He gets to know more details on how they knew Bok had a stronghold and who would be waiting for them in the Town of Bok. A couple of hours later the Ox Army scattered and wore disguises so as not to startle residents of the town and traveled deep into the heart of the Town. As each Army Official checks every Inn and Tavern, Nothing is out of the ordinary,

until one of the Soldiers reports back saying " We found a tiny tavern and 
when we entered it there was a staircase that led deep into the ground, once we reached the end of the stairs, It was MASSIVE almost bigger than the City of Ox listings filled the walls, Elixirs being sold left and right and people being held to clear their debt, and One of The Eyes of the West was there, we overheard war plans they plan on taking over Ox City"

Hearing this most of the army shuttered in disbelief that such an operation could exist and such a powerful figure was planning on taking over their city, Thinking for a while on a decision some soldiers and Army Officials decided to leave back to The City of Ox to bolster up more numbers, and the others plan to stay and take out as much as they can.

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