The Seige on Ox City

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Author's Note (Sorry for the delay in publishing this chapter it has been a busy week, I have added more to compensate so I hope you do enjoy.)

One gaining unfathomable muscle and uncontrollable rage and the other Becoming skinny with steel-hard skin. The Marked Muscle Breaks from its incasing and breaks The Steel Skin out of its encasement as well and they go attack the other Incased Assassins, Hiero trying to save the Other assassins for their information, lunges towards The Steel Skin but, The Marked Muscle punches at Hiero with full force even with Intent coating his body Hiero gets injured from the punch,

Zatic yells to Hiero " Don't worry Hiero I got this one"

Hiero now able to focus summons his Intent but as he is in the middle of gathering intent The Marked Muscle lunges at him with full force as The Marked Muscle is half way towards Hiero, Hiero collects his sword from the ground as he lifts his head a fist is inches away from his face, Hiero Dodges his punch and cuts The Marked Muscle Multiple Times as soon as the cuts were made The Marked Muscle heals the damage in what seems to be a second this time Hiero sheaths his Short Sword, z

The Marked Muscle says "Sheatling your blade against me equals death" 

The Marked Muscle charges at Hiero and lunges for a punch

The Marked Muscle laughs and says "Frozen in Fear".

The Marked Muscle seeming to have hit Hiero, gets struck by what seems to be invisible cuts as The Marked Beast stops in his tracks and hits Hieros's coated Intent, this causes Hiero to be pushed back, The Marked Beast gets enraged and starts to furiously strike at Hiero, Hiero acting fast Imbues his Intent into his body dodging all of his attacks and as this aimless striking is taking place The Marked Beast is being worn out by the Phantom Cuts and with each cut, it is increase with speed and strength. As the Phantom Cuts get too fast The Marked Beast trembles and falls to his knees, Hiero promises to end The torture and Unsheaths his Short Sword Halfway which delays the time of the Phantom Cut

Hiero asks " Where is The Left Eye of The West"

The Marked Muscle replies " He was killed by something unnatural and green when we got to his hideout it was encased with grass, moss, and vines there was nothing left except for a jungle the only Part of The West here is The Right Eye of The West"

Hiero confused starts to slowly separate his blade and sheath, The Marked Muscle sees an opportunity and lunges towards Hiero with full force ready to strike him, Hiero imbues his intent into his Short sword and then sheaths his blade, The Marked Monster becomes engulfed in an uncountable amount of cuts on his body cutting The Marked Muscle to his bone as The Marked Muscle feinted to the floor almost a skeleton his body regenerated to it's original form before his corruption. Zatic still fighting The Steel Skin almost gets hit by its claws but narrowly dodges it, Hiero seeing this incases The Steel Skin, Zatic places his hand on the chest of The Steel Skin and absorbs the Elixir from her body returning her to her original state, Hiero and Zatic question the assassin and asks her about the whereabouts of The Right Eye of The West. Hiero and Zatic make their way to the Heart of The City but as they are moving toward it they are met with skirmishes of Oxian soldiers and Assassins of the west. Hiero and Zatic try their best to dodge all of the commotions but are stopped when they bump into an assassin, the assassin jumps back and ready Their blade when they gaze on the duo. The assassin squinting their eyes says in a confused tone "Hiero?", Zatic rushes in for a strike without a second thought as Hiero remembers the familiar voice Hiero yells at Zatic to stop, but Zatic to far to stop his attack and strikes at the assassin. The assassin deflects the strike with a dagger that has the sign of the barracuda on it, Hiero seeing this he says in a confused tone "Ava?", The Assasin removes the shroud covering their face and

Ava asks Hiero "What are you doing here!"

Far off in an unknown location The North is meditating in the middle of a forest

as he states, "I have answered your call too many times to count now it is time for you to answer mine I Vason Wintry The 5th Monarch Beast call for my Intent to be returned."

A being covered in everything natural walks up to Vason from behind

him and says "You have grown from wild to tame, I am afraid that there is only one way to reclaim your power"

 The Mysterious being changes its dull expression to a

Crazed grins and says " RECLAIM YOUR WILD".

The Beast swipes at Vason's head with the claws of a wolf as this attack is incoming to Vason, He turns toward the attack and uses his Intent-filled Bite to stop the attack mid-air after this Vason turns around and uses one finger to cut The Beast in half as the top part of The Beast is in the air the blood dripping from The Beast turns into wasps and they all rush towards Vason, as the swarm of wasps is rushing towards Vason he grazes the ground with his hand and lifts it up the sky this wind gust created from his fingers throw the wasps in disarray, With an open path Vason rushes toward The Beast to try and claim his power but just as he is almost at The Beast it turns into a monstrous Boar and charges right at Vason hitting him and leaving him dazed in the air, Vason coming back to his sense as quickly as he was dazed, Landing on the floor he swipes his arm 2 times towards The Beast sending 10 air gashes toward The Beast, only a couple of slashes landing

The Beast Commends Vason " Refining your abilities?"

 it says in confusion. The Beast board using its form turns into a Rock Grinder and Willow Wolf Hybrid. Vason seeing this Holds the ground with his hand and entraps the beasting knowing that if he is able to transform fully he won't win, as The Beast is transforming and struggling to break free Vason throws an air slice at The Beast, the complex transformation and entrapment of The Beast causes his form to take long to complete this leaving an area open as the cut is made by the air slash Vason uses his Bite filled with Intent to chomp down on The Beast's wounded area splashing it's blood on the floor, Vason seeing his only chance to win, no his only chance to survive this test lets go of the binding that is on The Beast and licks The Beast's Blood, as The Beast completes its transformation it Leaps towards Vason trying to consume him, as The Beast is a couple of inches away Vason grabs the neck of The Beast and takes a Bite out of The amalgamations Head as Vason drops The Beast to the ground it smiles and contorts into a

Humanoid shape and says to Vason " That was not even 1% of your power how will you get 100%"

Vason is staring at The Beast as he says " I don't have all day"

Hiero and Ava tell each other their own side of how they ended back at the City of Ox, Hiero came back to look for the Right Eye of The West and Ava came as a calling from The West him self,

Ava Hesitant tells Hiero " The West threated to kill The Great Barracuda my grandfather if I Don't come and aid in his war"

Hiero understands the situation

says to Ava " I promise to help you if you can also help me"

Hiero lending his hand out to Ava says " Let's take down The West and save your grandfather"

Zatic warns Hiero and Ava to not waste time he says " They are almost at the Inner wall and once they are there we can't go any further"

Hiero and Ava confused asked why Zatic answered " Because of The Oxian Pillar."

Hiero and Ava ask him for more details and Zatic replies " All I know about it is that anyone who has not pledged loyalty to the pillar won't survive"

As the Assasins move toward the inner wall where the inner city and city hall are located, The Right Eye of The West strikes that inner wall the army of assassins waits for it to wither away but instead, it produces a low roar on the inside of the wall, right after that the horns that surround the outer wall of the city start to release white smoke that surrounds the city, the Silver horn in the middle starts to emit the same smoke filling the Innercity and the excessive smoke spills over in the mid-wall part of the city as the assassin army are trying other methods of trying to break the wall down as soon as the smoke engulfs them most of the assassins start to corrode from the heat fo the steam. The Right Eye of The West and a couple of other assassins shrugged off their corroding allies and continued to walk through the Skin Boiling Steam and disappear within the inner wall of the City. Rushes into the smoke after The Right Eye. Hiero imbuing his body with intent rushes after Zatic while leaving Ava to find a way out of the city. Hiero slowly moved towards what seemed to be endless Steam until Hiero tripped over a person that is struggling in pain from the Hot Steam from this person speaking the rest revealed themselves all asking for help as soon as Hiero blinked they were gone traversing through the steam Hiero finds a door that has been knocked down the walls being made of grand wood and gold must mean that it must be the city hall Hiero thought, Hiero walks in and hears screaming and fighting, Hiero on his guard reaches for his weapon but when he touches his short blade he becomes frozen and when he finally gathers enough strength he releases his hand from his blade and is able to move again. Hiero exhausted and confused thinks back to what Zatic said about people pledging loyalty to the Oxian Pillar, Hiero strongly says with his eyes closed " I Pledge allegiance to The Oxian Pillar Spine of the Oxian City ". When Hiero opened his eyes the steam ceased to exist and he could see the path to what seemed to be the center of the City hall. Knowing the only reason The Right Eye would be here is to get something for the West Hiero moves forward into the heart of the City Hall. There he sees the wall adorned with all the past rulers of The City and a table at the end of this room he sees another picture that shows a Ruler with a strange-looking spear and a crown under his image it says " Hamakian Allegiance" As soon as Hiero tries to look deeper into the photo a hand grabs his shoulder out of sheer reflex Hiero flexes his Intent to.

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