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Author's Note (Sorry for not posting the previous Thursday I was extremely busy and did not want to submit an undone section of this adventure. P.S. This will not stop me from updating this upcoming Thursday.)

With the apples now caramelized Raigtion throws the resting meat on top of them and stirs them around to make sure they don't burn as he is cooking Zatic and Hiero's stomachs growl as they smell the unimaginable aroma coming from the cooking. Raigtion continues by washing the rice and putting it on the stove to cook

 Zatic curious asks Raigtion "Why didn't you cook the rice first, it will take forever for it to be done"

Raigtion responds " First Lesson is enhancement"

Raigtion puts his hand on the pot of rice and funnels his intent into the rice once grainy hard, and filled with water, now fluffy, soft, and ready to eat. Raigtion does the same to a piece of meat he puts to the side of the stove and enhances it to make it cook instantaneously.

Ragition takes the broth from the cooked meat and seasons it then pours the soup into 2 chambered bowl then puts the Uloan mix on top of the steaming soup.

Raigtion says to Stren "I think I have truly outdone myself" as he hands Stren the Uloan Mix

Stren tastes the food and says "I think this is the best one yet, If anyone needs me I will be enjoying my Uloan Mix in my forge" Stren walks happily back to his forge

Hiero and Zatic Look at Stren walking back then look at Raigtion and ask "So Where is ours"

Raigtion laughs and says " Here is what you will be eating Rice and Mutton" as he presents their bowls to them

Hiero and Zatic look at the dishes with disgust 

Raigtion says " As I said before the First step is enhancing this will teach you how to enhance the quality of, Foods, Gear and your Intent. I suggest you eat up we have a big day of training in a  couple of hours"

Zatic yells "Hours!? it is night"

Raigtion looks at Zatic meaning  Zatic shuts up 

Raigtion's face returns to normal and he says to Hiero and Zatic " I left some sauce if you can't get over the taste"

Zatic and Hiero rush to the sauce and drench the meat with eat, they both rush their food down and sleep.

1 Hour later Hiero and Zatic are awoken by the sound of pounding

Hiero and Zatic alarmed go down to the royal kitchen where the sound is being made as they walk into the royal kitchen they see a person pounding and kneading what looks to be meat.

Hiero yells confused " Hey? Who are you"

Raigtion turns around and says " What took you both so long to wake"

Zatic annoyed replies to Raigtion " We slept an hour ago."

Raigtion replies " I said the training will start in a couple of hours, and now training starts"

Hiero curious asks Raigtion " Is that why you are pounding that piece of meat"

Raigtion replies "That's what it looks like but I am taking this piece of wolf meat something usually tough and bitter and enhancing its flavor with my intent.

after finishing his sentence Raigtion slices 2 pieces of meat and cooks them separately one piece of meat untouched by Raigtion and the other piece of meat is under constant pressure Raigtions Enhancing, After done cooking Raigtion halves both pieces and gives 2 pieces to each  Hiero and Zaitc to taste 

Riagtion says to Hiero and Zatic " The one on your left hand is regular wolf meat the one on your right is enhanced wolf meat."

Hiero and Zatic eating both are amazed by the difference between the two pieces of meat 

Zatic says "I know you said this can increase the quality of our intent but how?"

Raigtion says " Each time you use your intent you increase its flexibility, it also makes generating easier, but enhancing increases the control of Intent output and Intent retention. This should help with keeping your Intent unnoticeable and strong, but enhancing can only elevate your base intent so far. Now first lesson is learning to Enhance output."

Raigtion focuses his intent on his hand, with a pause and a deep breath Raigtion slowly hits the meat with his palm. As Raigtion's palm hits the pieces of wolf meat a wave of intent could be felt but not seen by Hiero and Zatic.

Raigtion tells Hiero and Zatic " Know that you have seen learn how to Enhance you will have to tenderize the 500 pounds of meat I bought from the market today"

Hiero and Zatic look at each other determined and take the challenge to Ehance 500 pounds of meat.

Hiero and Zatic train day and night for days on end from palm hits to fist attacks. They train so efficiently that they use all their energy till they fall asleep then wake up the next day to continue training the only breaks they take where to eat  Beef Braised Stew With Rice and Nuts and a side of Cave Cow Milk. As Hiero and Zatic continue Ehnacing they both land the final blow on the last piece of Meat enhancing its flavor to perfection. Hiero and Zatic realizing that they have finished training take their first step outside the royal reserves within days.  

Hiero confused says "  Where is Old Man Raigtion "

Stren says " He had to leave to attend to an important matter he said"

Zatic annoyed says " So who is going to train us now"

Stren replies " I am"

Stren takes an axe from his back and says " The Second lesson on Enhancing is Enhance Input"

Stren falls a tree with one swing of his axe.

Hiero and Zatic surprised ask are frozen in amazement

Hiero Says "How did you do that Stern?"

Stren replies " You can't be weak as a Blacksmith, Raigtion taught me how to use Intent"

Zatic shocked says "But I did not sense any Intent on that weapon"

Stren says " Like I said this is Ehance Input instead of outbursting your intent into something you must instead constantly supply it with intent inside the inner workings of the weapon increasing its durability and it's efficiency.

Zatic says " I do that all the time with my blade I can easily cut down this tree"

Stren tosses Zatic a sword and says "Try it"

Zatic focuses his intent on his blade and cuts with all his might"

following his strike on the tree was the shattering of the blade.

Stren says " These are Great Mopping Trees they soak up all intent that is not fused to being or object so using regular coating will not do the job"

Stren tosses Hieor and Zatic Wooden axes

Stren says " Now it is important that you follow my example especially you Hiero with this technique you can increase the strength of the blade that I am forging for you 10 fold."

Hiero replies " 10 Fold!"

Stren says "Yes but if used correctly"

Hiero and Zatic watch as Stren Inputs his intent directly into the blade and how much intent he uses 

Stren says " Create a Link between the weapon and you, from your hand to the handle and now let your Intnet flow to the blade as if it is flowing into your hand, when you can feel a consistent stream established it can not be broken." 

Stren  swings at another tree felling it in one swing and continues to chop it into smaller pieces 

As Hiero and Zatic are looking at him Stren says " Don't stand around I need this wood to keep the forge fire going so don't stop cutting until I say it is enough"

Hiero and Zatic start to swing and swing and each tree they can, at first they need a couple of swings before taking the trees down but soon they get the hang of Enhance output they take the wood back to the forge constantly fueling the forge for stren to forge the Black Fur Ore into a usable blade. Hiero and Zatic done cutting down Great Mopping Trees for the day are walking back to the Staos Castle 

Hiero says " It's not enough"

Zatic says "The training "

Hiero replies " It feels as if they are making us do busy work rather than prepare for an upcoming war"

Zatic " Hiero they are making us do busy work but through this work, we have learned things that have made us stronger the only thing left to do is to put it to the test."

Hiero looks at Zatic with a smile and says " You right "

Hiero Enhances his axe looks at Zatic and says "You Find my weakness and I will find yours"

Zatic laughs and rushes at Hiero with his axe already fully Enhanced.

Zatic and Hiero changed their schedule from just delivering wood to Stren and waiting for tomorrow to deliver wood and training till midnight. Hiero and Zatic moved from Enhancing their axes to cut trees to Enhancing their hands and felling The Great Mopping Trees with one punch increasing the efficiency with which Stren forged the Blade. As Hiero and Zatic get ready for another day of collecting wood

Stren sits outside their room and says " Hiero the blade is done."

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