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the suspicion is put to rest when a familiar Assasin vouches for them, Aero The Assasin, Ava Scoffs, and tries to move past him

but he stops her and says " Not so fast I just saved you all from begin made into a stew"

Zatic asks Ava "You know this guy?"

Ava replies "No he just keeps following me"

Aero puts his hand out to Zatic and says " Hello I am Aero The True Barracuda"

Hiero squints his eyes remembers who he is and says " Hey you were the one who told me that Ava was coming in a few days when I needed help",

Zatic surprised says "You know him too???"

Hiero shakes Aero's Hand and says " Thank you for helping me once again"

Aero invites the Trio inside the border/Headquarters he says " It is becoming night soon and entering The North in the night is a death wish."

The Trio reluctantly goes inside and joins Aero for a private dinner,

Aero out of the blue asks " So were you sent to the North on orders of The West"

With this question, Ava becomes enraged and tells Aero everything,

Aero says to Ava " Don't be dumb there is no one strong enough to take on The West and the only one near his match The North, has not been seen in months"

Hiero says to Aero "Alone we are not strong enough but together we can at least wound The West"

Aero is annoyed with the statement Hiero replies " What will a wound do to The West"

Hiero, Zatic, and Ava all put there heads down in realization that they really don't have a concrete plan

Aero says to the three of them " Look I can't stop you guys but-"

Ava interrupts Aero " But what! The tressure of our Syndicate is being held hostage and you don't want to do anything about it if I understand you correctly you just want to sit back here and watch our syndicate's secrets be played with at The Hand of the West, The Grand Barracuda does not deserve to be held like this."

Ava fuming with anger takes a deep breath and stares at Aero, Aero says "Will you let me finish"

Ava with a serious face but tears in her eyes nods her head for him to continue "But I will help you guys get to The West"

Ava moderately embarrassed for going off on Aero without letting him finish says " That is the least you can do, Goodnight guys"

and walks to her bedroom Hiero and Zatic also thanks Aero for his hospitality and Zatic goes to his bedroom to sleep as well. Hiero recalling the memory of the ascended feeling he felt when fighting The Right Eye goes outside in the middle of the night and sits down on the ground with his Black Fur Blade, he starts to breathe in and out he thinks back to the fight and he thinks back to the pain and agony he felt when he was injured by The Right Eye of The West and as soon as he thinks of the sharp pain that he felt from the impact of the Hammer his blade pulsates with energy Hiero eyes closed focuses on the pain he felt the piercing feeling of his bones shattered from the blow of the hammer and the tearing of his flesh that accored seconds after impact as he tries to open his eyes it is still dark he relieses that his surroundings are engulfed in black everything is even he thinks, In the distance Hiero can see a white circle moving towards him as he blinks the Orb disappears and when he turns around the white circle appears behind him but not far away, The White orb now right in front of him swells in size and bursts, though the orbs are split into multiple parts the biggest one sinks into the ground, and the other orbs turn into rain the black sky is peppered with the remaining white orbs creating a night sky, from the ground a tree starts to grow, as this is happening the rest of the land starts to come into view ,

Hiero hears a voice say to him "Defend the tree in its likeness and in turn, we will always defend you"

Hiero is alerted by a sound, a low and crazed growl in the distance there is a creature but where is it Hiero thinks as it hides in the shadow he can see its eyes but when he hears it lunge at him out from the shadows it is completely invisible, Hiero confused dodges the attack and kicks at where the creature should be hearing it whimper it scouries back into the shadows and lets out a Howl, as soon as the creature finished howling Hiero could see them from the position of the tree that their were multiple creatures that have encircle him, The beasts one by one started to attack him and one by one Hiero countered them attacking each one with all his might to stop them whatever they were from getting to the tree he was employed to defend from an unannounced voice. When landing the final strike on the unseen creatures, The tree humms a low tone as it makes this noise the tree cracks open, and what is inside surprises Hiero. Hiero's Short sword shows it's self and the

unannounced Voice says to Hiero " Show me Profeciency and I will teach you technique"

as the humming stops a hand burst through the tree trying to grab Hieros neck thinking quick Hiero ducks and grabs his Short Sword and jumps back to asses the threat that he is facing, as the hand of the unknown being is squirming through the tree to look for his target it's hand goes limp and as Hiero is readying his guard another hand comes through the tree cutting it in half with what seems to be The Black Fur Blade as soon as this being breaks free it rushes to Hiero jumps and dodges the attack, the force so great and precise that it cuts down thousands of surrounding trees within the area, The unknown being thrust the sword upward, not giving Hiero any time to land he has to think on his feet Hiero uses his Intent to throw himself off course of the air attack sent to him narrrowly avoiding being split in half as Hiero lands on the ground he sticks his Short Sword in the ground trying to entrap it, as he tries and tries he sees that the creature is still moving at him as it is moving it seems to get agitated and swings downward Hiero dodging the attack looks back and sees that the attack he just dodge broke the very foundation that they are standing on, Hiero relizing that the only way to stop the being is to disarm it but the concept of getting close to it is a death wish but it is better then running out of stamina and dying from failing to dodge one of it's attacks. Hiero rushes towards the being, the being swings at Hiero, Hiero ducks to dodge and with his hand tries to thrust through the being's chest by enhancing his hand with intnet to be sharper then a blade, but instead of going through the being it repulsed Hiero the being unwavering walks towards Hiero and starts to unleash a flury of attacks, as Hiero is parrying each attack with his Intent Imbued Short Sword he relises that each attack gets weaker, as the being is going for a downward slash, Hiero dodges the attack and strikes the blade with his hand leading the blade to be incased with Intent and falling out the The Beings Hand, With the unknown being wide open Hiero punches it in the stomach, as it falls back it disintigrates into white orbs and forms into The Black Fur Blade but this time it is prestiged like the previously when Hiero was fighting The Right Eye or The West Hiero grabs it and sheaths the blade as soon as the blade is Sheathed Hiero opens his eyes to find him self still outside and goes back inside to go and sleep for the long journey. In the morning Aero tells his assassins that they are going to The North on a private campaign on orders from The West and that they should tell no one due to its confidentiality. Packing their things the Aero and Trio go off to the center of the North.

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