The Oxian Pillar

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knock whoever is behind him on the floor,

Zatic recovering from the impact asks him " Why did you follow me into the inner city"

Hiero responds " We can't go in alone and you can't rush into things without thinking"

Zatic counters his argument by saying "Well then why were you attacking the thin air you pledge allegiance to the Oxian Pillar so much for making a plan before going in"

as soon as Hiero tries to argue back a loud thud can be felt underneath the City,

Zatic under his breath says "The Pillar" and starts sprinting

Hiero insteintavily follows after Zatic, They run downward into what the City people call The City's Spine, There they see an area bigger than the Inner City a storage of treasure, Rare ores, and Rare animal parts that don't appear within the area the city is located within the middle of this Tressury they see a singular Pillar the onlyone that seems to touch the Roof and the Floor of the Tressury, As they try to get a closer look they hear talking, As they wait they see that the person that is talking is The Right Eye of The West and the other assassins that seem to be immune to the defense of the pillar, The Right Eye takes the hammer and tries to smash the oxian pillar down as the blow lands and makes contact the pillar it seems to become more enraged and puffs out living smoke of what seems to be Coal Back Ox that start to attack the other assasins but seems to ignore The Right Eye as he strikes the pillar again, The pillar takes the energy from the blow and dispurses it into steam. Hiero realizing that The Right Eye is the one wielding the hammer makes a rush toward him draws his Short blade out and Ingrains it with his Intent, Hiero Slices at The Right Eye, but gets countered by The Right Eye lifting his hammer upward with unfathomable speed then striking downward, Hiero thinking quickly unsheaths The Black Fur Blade on his back to soften the blow from breaking his body but Hiero still sustains some injuries from the attack, Hiero unsheaths The Black Fur Blade in a Circular motion, The Right Eye, jumps to avoid the attack,

Hiero yells " NOW ZATIC "

Zatic jumps onto Hiero's back and uses his blade to swing with all his might The Right Eye one inch away from being sliced in half leans back and dodges Zatic's Mender mid-air with great speed The Right Eye Swings at Zaitc with speed with both legs kicks Zatic with all his force off of the Hammer, as The Right Eye lands on his feet Hiero entraps The Right Eye in the cobalt that adorns the floor with his Short Blade. Zatic rushes again towards The Right Eye Swinging with all his might but his attack is counter by The Right Eye's hand, Zatic thinking quickly goes in for hand to hand combat as the two are brawling Hiero is recovering from the life threatening wound he was inflicted with, almost out of it he gets lulled into a dream like state still holding The Black Fur Blade he is confronted by the same orb that he had to fight to wield the blade The Black Fur Blade being presented in White Orbs turn Gold color and rains on Hiero, Hiero opens his eyes and his wounds are fully recovered, The Black Fur Blade's apperance changed into a blade adorned with fashinolble designs, Hiero seeing Zatic losing the fight to The Right Eye walks towards them with new found strength as Zatic gets kicked back The Right Eye is about to use The Hammer to finish Zatic as He Lifts His Hammer Hiero jumps over Zatic toward The Right Eye With His Short Blade in hand as Hiero goes in for a strike The Right Eye tries to counter his attack but notices something different with Hiero and instead takes a defensive stance to block it instead leaving Both Hiero and The RIght Eye face to face, Hiero punches toward the gut of The Right Eye but is meet with The Right Eye's Hand holding the attack. Hiero thinking quickly forces his hand out of the grasp of The Right Eye's and opens his hand straightening it out as if it was a blade and infusing it with intent and going in for another attack against The Right Eye, The Right Eye seeing through his technique forces his hammer downward and swipes his hand to the side while jumping back to evade the attack what followed was a strong gust of wind, Hiero unphased rushes through the gust of wind straight towards The Right Eye and cuts right with his Intent Imbued hand, With The Right eye taking damage whinces in pain, The Oxian Pillar starts to produce excessive steam from the height the pillar what was once at the ceiling and was barley visible now fell down to a high of 8 Inches in height due to the excessive steam that was being released from the Oxian Pillar with it the ceiling started to fall as well. With the ceiling of The City's Spine now falling down on all in the area Hiero grabbed The Left Eye of The West's Hammer, and ran with Zatic to the safety of the surface and so did The Right Eye and his assassins, After the ruble settled there was a depression within the land they just walked on a couple of seconds ago but it did not seem damaged the land bent as if it was as malleable as clay after Hiero and Zatic saw the power of the pillar they ran out of the inner city in search for Ava, Running through the battlefield Zatic is almost mowed down by an Assasin trying to attack him from behind but is saved by Ava disarming and knocking the assassin unconscious, Ava finding a way out leads the two through a path that has the least amount of fighting. Once the Trio is out of The City of Ox they run into the forest surrounding The City of Ox.

Zatic tells Hiero "Why did you come in after me you messed up my plan!"

Hiero replies "Is the plan to get yourself killed you saw how these assassins fought and one of them was The Right Eye"

Ava interrupts "The Right Eye was in the inner city?"

Hiero replies "Yes I thought you knew what was happening"

Ava replies " I was only told to attack the City of Ox and nothing else"

Zatic says to Hiero and Ava " They were after the Spine of the Ox also known as The Oxian Pillar"

Hiero says " You mean that pillar that looked as if it was sky high"

Zatic says "Yes The Oxian Pillar one of the many Zoadian Pillars, I am sorry for not telling you my true intentions I am actually on a mission to retrieve a weapon made from outlawed that weapon is the hammer of The Left Eye"

Hiero says while taking the hammer out of his bag " You mean this weapon"

Zatic Suprised says " You got it but how!?"

Hiero says "Well I just grabbed it. Hiero hands the Hammer to Zatic and Zatic grabs a thick cloth from his pocket and wraps the hammer in it.

Ava says to Hiero and Zatic "Are you guys ready going after the west won't be easy it is almost a guaranteed way to die are you sure you guys are up for this"

Hiero says " I lost my family and found a new one if taking out The West is the only way to protect it then I am all in for it"

Zatic says " I agree with Hiero but it is also my obligation to collect whatever weapon The West is about to create"

 Ava says with a grin, "Then what are we waiting for Let's kill The West"

 A Couple weeks later the campaign of The West went out of control with him seizing all of the Western territory and its cities, The West now content with his control of the West has now started campaigns in The North which have been successful since the disappearance of Vason, We find our Trio at the North East side of The West's Territory. Hiero, Zatic, and Ava learn about the whereabouts of The West but moving towards that location will prove challenging. As Hiero, Zatic, and Ava move towards the border they find it heavily guarded by The West's Aero Assasins, Ava goes to the border and acts as if she is giving orders to move into the North for the next campaign with Hiero and Zatic as her support, The Aero Assasins become skeptical but.

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