The Blademaster of the North

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(Author Note: Sorry for not posting last week I was busy with another story in this world so I put some more than I usually do to compensate for last week enjoy and I look forward to your feedback)

 As the two assassins go into the Jungle to find their targets a figure confronts them and asks them why they are in the Jungle of The North, they are confused and don't answer and attack the figure that seems to be in their way, As one of the assassins go for a downward slash they cut off the Mysterious figure's arm, as the arm of the mysterious figure falls from his body the other assassin goes in for a finishing blow to his stomach and as his sword makes contact, the arm holding the assassin's sword is gone and the sword drops,

The Mysterious figure says confidently "An arm for an arm"

and as he throws the assassin's arm to the side he reveals himself

He says "What business do you have in the domain of The North"

As the other two assassins run, the ground beneath their feet engulfs them and they are stuck within the ground,

The North walks slowly to them and says "I don't like asking twice"

As the two assassins know they are probably going to die they both hurry up and try to down an elixir, noticing this The North uses one of the surrounding vines to whip it out of one of the assassin's hands but the other assassin drinks his elixr before it gets knocked from his hand and as this is happening the other assassin is trying his best to wiggle out of his confinement, The North still wanting information encompasses the wounded assassin and when he shifts his focus back onto the transformed assassin he sees that he has broken from his confinement in the ground, The North surprised gets ready to fight. The Thing that lunges at him is no longer human, skinny with a wide smile and skin that is harder than steel. The Beast already inches away, tries to swipe at The North, and The North sensing his Intention for a lethal attack Bites the open air, A Big Mouth with sharp teeth projects around The North and imitates the same motion as his bite and clamps The Beast, holding it in the air and turns to the wounded Assasin and sets him onto the floor and asks what they are doing within The Domain of the North and that he can save him and his friend if he is given the information he needs and that he will know if he is lying. The Assasin amazed by the power of The North gives in and tells him the reason for their venture. The North is in disbelief, The North Extracts the substances from The Beast's body and mends the wounded Assasin's arm back together, and sends them out of the Jungle Cave. As the two Assasins leave, Hiero and Zatic are awoken by the feeling of an ominous aura and as they get up to continue searching they hear a voice

he says "Why are you in my Domain"

both Hiero and Zatic are forced into fear as their own bodies won't allow them to turn their heads around to see who is talking to them,

Hiero replies " We are looking for The North we have come to ask him for help"

The North Replies "Help with what?"

Hiero explains "The West is trying to take over the whole western region with the help of all the Assasin Syndicates"

 The North just trying to confirm that The Assasin's story is true Releases his Intent Lock that he has on the duo and lets them Turn their head

The North says "I am The Blademaster of The North protector of the region and regulator of Vason, I can not directly interfere with The West's affairs."

Hiero and Zatic annoyed ask him why he can't interfere but The North stays silent and starts to feed the surrounding animals within the Jungle Cave.

Hiero says " I didn't come here to go back with nothing if we can't get your help we could use your knowledge instead what do you know about The West?"

The North laughing says " I know nothing about The West"

Hiero and Zatic surprised think what The North is saying is a joke and they quickly realize that he is not joking,

Zatic annoyed asks "How do you know nothing about The West"

The North replies "For another Cardinal Blademaster to step into the other's Domain Directly is forbidden and can cause an unscalable war, the only thing I know about The West is what he is up to next, Two Assasins came earlier looking for two people who fit your description and they gave me information after I told them that you were not here, They are trying to build a weapon that will bring destruction to all who don't know The art of Intent, If this weapon is used in the way The West intends to use it they will try to take over anything they can and try to compete with the existing Kingdoms making for a war that nobody wants an-."

As The North is talking he turns his focus to Zatic and asks him where he found it, Zatic confused asks "What?." The North says that is sad, you have one and you can't even use it properly, Zatic is confused asks "what am I not using?" The North Emitts his Intent and Encompass Zatic with it, this, in turn, starts to slowly crush Zatic with his Intent, Hiero sees Zatic getting crushed and rushes to try to body slam The North but the vines of the Jungle smack him away, and as Zatic is screaming in pain The North out of the blue releases his hold,

The North smiles and says "That should do it"

 Zatic angry and confused yells "Do what!"

 As he is talking Hiero sees a beast that looks to be a hybrid between a Monkey and an Owl that is comfortably standing on Zatic's shoulder. Zatic confused tries to swipe the Creature off of his shoulder but as he is about to swipe the Creature off, the Creature holds his hand up and stops Zatic's arm without making contact.

The North Laughing says "Good luck with that one."

 Zatic annoyed and confused asks what it is and

The North Replies "It is an ancient creature that has chosen two forms to hold its power I call them Bi-Beasts but I don't know if I like that name yet they are rarely seen, some say that they are created during times of great Pain or Bliss and their form also depends on the most successful creatures within the region, But their powers are only known to the person they choose''

 Hiero says "Choose?"

The North Responds "After a Bi-Beast is created they need another being to fuse with, I still don't know why they need to fuse with anything their power is already strong enough."

As Zatic is still confused he starts to try and communicate with his Bi-Beast.

Hiero still not satisfied asks The North "Will this Bi-beast be enough to defeat The West"

The North says " No it is not near enough at this stage and it would take years for it to even touch The West let alone kill him, but there is a weapon that can incapacitate The West for  a while."

Hiero asks The North where this blade is, The North points to a couple of rocks he explains to them that the ore can break most types of Intent and that the ore here was once a sword, the Ore is strong when formed but as fluid as water when in the forge and only a few can make some things out of it and fewer can make a blade with it.

The North looks towards Hiero and says "Find a trusted blacksmith and ask him to make the blade as long as your arm."

Hiero tries to ask questions about the details but The North takes a sac of food and walks out of the cave

before he leaves he says "Take my severed arm and show it to the Staos Kingdom"

As The North is leaving the cave he yells "Off Yojikai"
Hiero and Zatic are left more confused than ever they both go back into their tavern and get a world map and they start to look for areas with Master Blacksmiths they begin there search within the surrounding area of Vason.

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