Grand Ice

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As soon as the Middle Pillar hit the Black fur Ore Stren used all his force from running to hit what seemed to be like a Slab with holes placed on the side of the Middle Pillar making it even, as soon as the Slab was in place the sound of a raging cyclone filled the forge after a couple of minutes the sound dissipated, Stren takes his signature hammer out of the indent in the wall and the Ropes latch onto the pillar in the center of the room, the pillar starts to rise back into its original position. What was left after the hitting of the fifth Hammer was a Grayish colored Ore with multiple holes.

Stren says to Hiero " Hiero the Ore has been purified, But! It still needs to be forged and that is even more dangerous than purfling, even though I am a master blacksmith the technique of forging this calls for loads of cool temperature water and we are at the end of winter,  But there might be something."

Hiero asks "What do you mean"

Stren explains " There is a book that all Master Blacksmiths get when they achieve this title it is called The Hammer's Handle it tells stories of people who could forge any ore and replicate anything just by looking at it along with these people it documents there findings and some techniques for forging things as "Challenging" as Black Fur Ore"

Hiero says "So where can I find these blacksmiths one of them  should be able to help forge this blade."

Stren says " That is the thing they fought a big war with other people that were just as strong as them and after the war, they built cities under moving mountains."

Hiero confused asks " Moving Mountains?"

 Stren says " I know there is nothing like that but that is the only hint on their location there are also other stories of people that are thought to have the same abilities as them, it says here some might be under the mountain cities but most of their locations are not shown so we have to look for the next best thing the technique on how to forge this black fur ore, There is a hint that I can give you it should help you have an idea of what you are looking,  for the proper description of a rare type of ice, the description on how to forge it stresses  it needs the reverse temperature but a calm flame that only can be made within the territory of The North which lucky for you, you are The Current Blademaster of The North so making the fire won't be hard but finding Grand Ice will be."

Hiero says " Well I guess it is time to go then back to Vason"

Stren says " I would follow you but royal duty won't allow me"

Hiero says " I understand but can I ask you a favor"

Stren answers " Yes I will try my best to help you"

Hiero says "Give me the best Long and Short Hammer you have"

Stren excitedly says " Okay"

A couple of days pass and Hiero and Zatic are back in the territory of Vason as they are going back to the cave that led them to The previous North they find it cold and empty as they step into the cave to see what happened they fall into a hole and slide down as they reach the bottom, as they get up they are amazed to see that it is covered in the same jungle that they saw previously months ago and realize that the Jungle moved it's self into the mountain and as they search the area they find an Ice chunk that is emanating water but not losing its shape. Hiero and Zatic realizing what they just found try to go near the Ice but as they get closer the Ice emanating water previously starts to freeze as soon as they get close to it.

Hiero says " All we need is a sliver of the Grand Ice"

Zatic replies "Why not get it from the water that is coming off of it,"

Hiero says " The water is half as strong as the Ice itself we need the ice to make sure Stren does not die while forging The Blade"

Zatic agrees and tries to trick the water by turning around and jumping toward it but fails as Zatic is getting up from falling, the Black Fur Ore falls from his bag and as Ore falls onto the frozen water it warms it up and flows down onto the water and back into the jungle, Hiero and Zatic look slowly at each other and get an idea, They, knot the Black Fur Ore on a rope and hold it in front of the ice, the frozen ice starts to melt slowly, Hiero and Zatic walk to the Grand Ice and hit the Grand Ice with the Long and short hammer after a few tries nothing seemed to work but then

Zatic pulled out the Blackfur ore and said " It worked once let us see if it will work twice"

And hits the Grand Ice, A crack appears and the water flowing out of the Grand Ice stops, as the water stops a part of the Grand Ice breaks off, Hiero and Zatic Pick the broken piece off of the floor as they cove the piece the Grand Ice regenerates and the water resumes to flow out of the Ice. A couple of weeks pass Hiero and Zatic arrive at the  Kingdom of Staos, and give Stren the Black Fur Ore and Grand Ice,

Stren says to Hiero and Zatic " Sit back and relax this will take more than two weeks"

Hiero with big eyes says "More than 2 Weeks!"

Stren looks at him and smiles you think great things like this will take a day or two, in the meantime get to know this kingdom and enjoy your stay."

Zatic says " I mean I am hungry and need more practice with my Bi-Beast this will give me all the time I need"

Hiero sighs and says " Well I guess I need training as well"

Stren replies to both of them " Great now that, that is settled shoo shoo out of my forge"

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