The new ally

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Hiero decided to be part of this force the amount of people reported to be down in the underground stronghold pales in comparison to the experience of each solider the remaining part of soldiers thought as they moved in a uniform line down to the underground stronghold they wait, The first person to walk up the stairs they ambush and start the attack on the underground stronghold Hiero unsure of what to do knocks out anyone that comes his way, As they are moving from sector to sector they think that they have the upper hand pushing back all forces in there way, but they did not know of the multiple entrances of the stronghold and quickly get encircled by the other remaining forces of the underground stronghold, outnumbered some keep fighting as others try to join their side the ones that try to cross over get captured and used, the other ones that chose to fight get mowed down and Hiero knowing that if he keeps fighting will most likely die pulls his last resort he wounds himself and falls on the floor acting as if he died with the rest of the Ox Army. After this Skirmish the inhabitants of the Town of Bok are instructed to clean up the bodies and let the beasts feed on them as Hiero is being carried outside and thrown into a pit he tries his best to hide his pain as he crawls out while no one is looking and travels far away from the Town of Bok, Injured Hiero takes his Short Sword and heats it to a piece of hot charcoal and mends his wound, angry that he lost his chance at finding his family he hits the ground angrily. Finished with his fit he remembers what Ava said that he should show the coin to the shadiest place he can find in times of distress near a neighboring town called The town of Nez he goes into a tavern that has a listing board and shows an Assasin near the Board The Short Sword with the Fish imprinted on it and Hiero asking to meet with Ava The Assasin, The Assasin looking slightly worried and scared sends a message by a merchant to Ava and tells Hiero that Ava The Barracuda will be there in a couple of days that he should come to the tavern nearing the same time and Ava Should be there. As Hiero waits he sees how peaceful the Town he is in is. Days pass and Hiero is waiting at the Inn when someone starts to talk to him the voice is familiar it is Ava but she tells him not to acknowledge her.

Ava says " I know you needed my help but who told you to put the coin in your weapon"

Hiero confused says "I did that so that I don't lose the coin"

Ava explains irritatingly "If anyone sees him with the emblem on his short sword they will think you are a part of the Barracuda Syndicate, the coin is the way to talk with a syndicate member with no consequences"

 Hiero apologizes and Ava helps Hiero get back into shape, she gives him a few of her Barracuda coins.

 Ava tells Hiero "Take it easy and don't get himself in trouble."

Ava leaves saying she will be busy with something she has to do, Hiero now left to himself and of clear mind has decided to take down The Blademaster of the West, 

but as Hiero, comes to this realization sits back into the seat that he rose from and wonders "How am I going to take down The West when no one from The small underground stronghold was even injured in the fight"

Hiero gets riled up from his thoughts. As he is continuing this inner conflict at the dining hall where he is eating, he notices a commotion in the bartender area, It is a customer who is yelling at the Owner of the Tavern that he should get his meal and drink free because he was one of the many people that built the Town of Nez and that if he doesn't give him a free meal that he will pull some strings to get the tavern closed, and just as Hiero is about to step up and say something A man in a Black cloak walks up to the "Town founder" and

asks him " If you helped build this Town what is its exact width and length, what is the tallest building, and what is the Widest house, if you can't answer these questions then you don't deserve a free meal anywhere"

The "Town founder" angry at this stranger takes his sword out and swings at him, Before the blade, is even swung it is cut in half and as the "Town founder" is trying to comprehend what happened to his sword he feels a sharp pain in his gut and as he looks down he sees an indent in his stomach but no hand, The "Town founder" feints onto the ground. The man in the black cloak tries to ask for a key to stay for the night but the Owner rushes to the "Town Founder" and forces The man in the Black cloak out. Hiero fascinated by this follows the cloaked man out of the Tavern and follows him for a while down to the night market, to the Town hall, and into the new tavern that he walked into, just as Hiero is keeping his eye on him he gets distracted for a second by a Strange looking creature, and when he turns his head back to look at him he is right in front of Hiero

The Blacked Cloak Man asks " Why have you been following me and what do you want are you a scout sent by The Boar Syndicate?, or maybe the Hok themselves have sent you"

 Hiero confused says " Nooo? I was about to leave the town to put an end to an infection in another Town"

 The Black cloaked man says " Are you a healer or something"

 Hiero replies "Nooo more, like a Land-type infection I am trying to stop a war from happening, But with my skills, I can't stop anything so I need training and that is the reason I followed you I think you might be able to teach me".

The black-cloaked man says " I don't have time to train someone"

Hiero gets up from his seat to try to talk to The black-cloaked man better and when he does some of his Barracuda Coins fall out of his pocket,

The black-cloaked man says " It's been a while since I have seen a Barracuda Coin did a Barracuda give this to you"

 Hiero replies "Yes"

 The black-cloaked man looking excited replies " If you let me have some of your barracuda coins and sneak me into your tavern room I will make you my student and Train you"

Hiero seeing this as a good deal accepts.

Zatic says " My name is Zatic and yours is?"

Hiero responds" Hiero"

As Zatic is sleeping on the only bed Hiero prepares to sleep on the floor, but just as he is about to dose off he sees a light that reflects off of Zatic's blade, Hiero looks closer as the Moonlight slowly illuminates the sword and sees that the blade is dull but sees some cut marks on the boxes that the blade is leaning on, confused and convinced he is hallucinating Hiero goes to sleep in anticipation of the next day. As the next day dawns Zatic is still sleeping when Hiero looking outside the window sees some soldiers from Ox City walking around recruiting people to join their army and buying weapons and armor for the upcoming conflict within the area. With day breaking the Tavern's kitchen is cooking up the weekly special Beef braised pie. Zatic still sleeping smells this and instantly wakes up, Hiero and Zatic go to the tavern dinner to eat the special and

Hiero asks "When will training start" Zatic Replies " When you can cut a piece of cloth with this blade"

As Zatic is eating he pulls out a Short Spear that has been blunted on all edges,

Zatic says "When you can cut through cloth with this blade then your training will start"

Hiero confused thinks Zatic is joking but when Zatic pushes his dull Curved tip straight sword onto the wooden floor it sinks as if it were dirt and leaves behind a clean and precise cut, Hiero convinced, starts his training with the piece of cloth dangling from a line of string Hiero starts swinging at the clothing but all he is doing is moving it with the short spear, Hiero continues doing this for the whole day until Zatic tells him that he can try again tomorrow this makes Hiero angry and

Hiero replies "What is the point of this training this is near impossible, there is a war coming soon"

 As he is still swinging he gets angrier and from one of his angry swings Zatic sees an unrefined and uncontrolled aura engulfs Hiero and the blade as Hiero goes for the swing the cloth gets cut in half Hiero surprised turns back to look at Zatic, Zatic already walking into the Tavern Shouts at Hiero "Training starts tomorrow".

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