The Jungle in the mountain

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 Zatic wakes Hiero up and tells him to follow him into the woods, Zatic gets a fire going,

Hiero asks "What are we doing here"

Zatic takes a tree branch and burns the tip of it,

Zatic says "Do you see how this branch is burning the fire is stronger and has active Intent while the tree branch does not"

Zatic puts out the fire on the branch and picks up a new tree branch,

Zatic says "Everything has Intent, and its levels of Intent, the more refined Intent is the easier the intent will be to control"

As Zatic says this he puts the tree branch into the fire again and pulls it out, instead of the branch burning the branch is unaffected.

Zatic says "Today's lesson will be coating, learning how to emit your Intent is important, and coating an object with it also could be the only decision in your survival, Now Hiero repeat what I did coat the Tree branch in your Intent"

Not understanding how or what Intent is Hiero tries anyway and as he is trying

Zatic says "When you tore that piece of cloth in half is when you awakened your Intent but to use your Intent you need to feel the energy and move it throughout your body, the more and more you practice on the movement of your intent it will be as easy as thinking and then you can focus on refining it"

Hiero still trying to coat the Intent is interrupted by Zatic taking it away from him and

continuing to say "We can continue more tomorrow Hiero it is getting late."

They both go back into the Tavern to get some rest. As Zatic is deep in sleep Hiero is restless, Hiero says to himself " I can't waste time like this" and sits up and begins to focus on simple things like his breathing and his thinking, then the feeling of everything touching his skin. After a couple of minutes of this, he starts to take deep breaths and clear his mind then focuses on increasing his production of Intent, as he does this a couple of times his Intent is growing but at an uneven rate.

Zatic says while lying on his side " You need to create a constant flow of Intent the way you're doing it is like blowing air into a bellow, it will always deflate you need to draw from your main sources of Intent in your body and let it constantly move like a Fire or a Waterfall like this"

As Zatic finishes his sentence he gets off of the bed and stands up he takes one deep breath in and a long one out and as if a seal has been broken an aura of intimidation radiates from Zatic, then Zatic takes another deep breath, and the magnificent aura completely disappears.

Zatic asks Hiero " Did you see how my aura was consistent"

Hiero nods his head and starts to try to emulate Zatic's Aura. Zatic still sleepy goes back to sleep. Now morning Hiero has mastered the output of his Intent. Zatic surprised gets dressed and tells Hiero that they should go to the dining hall so they can eat. Zatic tells Hiero that he has mastered the generation of Intent now the next step is refining his Intent. Zatic takes Hiero to the forest again and starts a campfire, Zatic drops a coin into the fire and tells Hiero that he must retrieve the coin without burning himself, and before he tells him to start he leaves him with a hint that Intent is like an extension of fingers move them to shape your Intent. Before Hiero attempts to retrieve the coin he sits down and generates his unrefined and wild Intent and practices controlling it, a couple of days later after his multiple visits to the campfire he attempts to retrieve the coin as he is reaching for the coin the fire separates, from the direction of his hand almost as if he is wearing a glove his Intent is protecting his hand and as he lifts his hand he retrieves the cold coin. Hiero confused asks Zatic if he switched the coins out for a new one and Zatic tells Hiero that his next lesson is coating

Zatic says "I Coated the coin in my Intent leaving the coin unaffected"

Hiero grabs a branch off of a tree and Engulfs it in his Intent, Refines it, and leaves the branch in the fire for a couple of minutes then he takes it out, and the branch comes out un-damaged and Zatic congratulates Hiero on mastering the basics of Intent. Zatic happily asks where the coins are Hiero suspicious of Zatic asks him why he wants them and Zatic replies "To find my love". Hiero confused hands him over 2 Barracuda Coins and asks him what will he do now.

Zatic replies "I am still training my Intent to get stronger"

 Hiero asks "Why do you need training you are the strongest person I have seen this far?"

 Zatic Replies "I need to become stronger and grow the strength of my Intent"

Hiero knowing he won't be able to win the future war alone and is still concerned about what Zatic wants with Ava's coins invites Zatic to join him

Hiero says " Why don't you join me it is better to put you will get better training pushing your strength to the limit instead of training against people who are weaker than you."

Zatic considers the offer for a while before giving Hiero a big smile and saying yes. Hiero knows he can't return to the West's territory and sets his sights on a new goal to seek out the only person who can defeat a Cardinal Blademaster, another Cardinal Blademaster, specifically the Blademaster of the North. Hiero and Zatic travel North to seek help from The North,

Hiero says to Zatic "They say the Noeth is neutral unless something or someone threatens his territory"

Zatic and Hiero will see if he will join them on their journey to defeat The West. 1 Month later Zatic and Hiero are within the Nothern Territory of Vason, The cloaks that Hiero and Zatic are wearing do nothing against the Bone-cold weather, Tired and cold both of them retreat to a barely visible City within the Snow, Snowy Edge is the name of the City a well developed but heavily guarded and monitored City, the duo rush into the City and go into a Tavern, as soon as they entered they could instantly feel the heat as their bones thawed they quickly get food and warm milk to drink and go into their rooms, they both talk and wonder how the Tavern was so warm in the blistering cold and they also tried to figure out where The North was located within this icy desert. In the morning they leave the Tavern and continue on their journey without knowing that people sent from The West have followed them, as they are moving in one direction they find a small Cave within a big Mountain when they enter the cave it is dark and a long tunnel with curves and dips, after a couple of minutes of traveling they see trickles of light and moving vines when they went through that passage on the other side there was something almost impossible, a whole Jungle within the mountain. Zatic and Hiero were surprised that something like this could exist. Hiero and Zatic tired decide to set up camp under a sturdy tree where they find multiple creatures that in any other setting should be trying to hunt them, but are now in this oasis in the Ice land getting comfortable and even sleeping near them. Zatic and Hiero were suspicious of how a place like this has been maintained and kept hidden and they come to the conclusion that the cave jungle must have some sort of guardian. Even though they know they should keep looking they decide to rest, they build a makeshift camp and rest and as they rest the Jungle encompasses them behind the vines. As Hiero and Zatic are sleeping the assassins from The West are entering the Jungle.

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