The Black Fur Blade

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Stren guides Hiero to his forge and props the sword up on an Armor stand

Stren says "This is going to be a little strange but, From what the Book of Dama says is to name the blade. Hold the name in your mind and exert enough power to bind it with you By power I believe it means intent."

Hiero Walks over to the blade and focuses his thoughts on one name and as he thinks of this name he also focuses a consistent stream of the Intent into his arm and hand then he grabs the blade. As soon as Hiero grabs the blade the whole room turns White. Hiero is looking around confused about where he is and what he needs to do, Hearing a low humming noise Hiero looks around and sees a black swarm of orbs chasing after him Hiero not fully prepared stands his ground and the Black orbs go past him he receives several cuts around his body. As the swarm rushes back towards Hiero he coats his Body with Intent and tries to make sense of the situation,

Hiero thinks to himself "Am I still holding the Sword, is the swarm that is following me the Black Fur Ore's Last defense or test?".

As Hiero looks up he sees the swarm gather into the sky and rain down in a concentrated pillar on him weakening his Intent and coating. Hiero while being bombarded sucks the Intent that is surrounding his body into his skin enhancing his durability and strength then Grabs an Orb from The Swarm to coat in his intent, Still being bombarded by the Orbs Hiero throws the ball far into the infinite white abyss, The Swarm follows The White Orb, as The Swarm chases the White Orb Hiero knowing his intent will dissipate realizes a plan, As the White orb returns to Hiero the swarm comes rushing back with it, Hiero sees this and gets ready for impact, this time holding both his hands in front of his body, As soon as the orb makes contact Hiero expels all of his Intent that is in his body into The White Orb, The White Orb unable to hold all the Intent explodes, With this explosion the Intent that was overflowing The White Orb has now dispersed on The Swarm that was chasing it turning all The Black Orbs into White Orbs. The White Orbs combine into a Huge Orb and as this happens the room turns black and The White Orb turns into the Blade, Hiero instinctively grabs the Blade. Hiero wakes up and jumps back

Stren asks "What happened"

Hiero says " I don't know some sort of test before I left I grabbed the blade"

As Hiero says this he points to the blade with his hand and the blade flies into his hand.

Stren Smiles and says "You completed the Trial of The Dawn, In the Book of Dama it says that the user of any weapon made by Old Ore Which refers to Ores like Black Fur and other ones listed here will be given a unique trial that is based on how the Ore was treated and who the person trying to wield the blade is, if anyone fails they to complete this trial they will become unable to wield that Blade."

Hiero ecstatic at the new power he has achieved drops his newly forged sword and runs out of the forge then holds his hand out and at his will his sword flys to him but not as majesticly as the first time and it almost cuts Hiero in half.

Stren walks out of the forge and says to Hiero that " I forgot to mention that you still have a long way to go, to master the blade you must form a connection with it".

Hiero recovering from almost being divided in two summons his blade this time with the clear intent of wanting to receive his blade and nothing else. The blade comes to his hand handle first. Hiero now understands that he must have the right Intent of collecting the blade. Hiero trains with his blade and Zatic trains with several techniques taught to him by his Bi-Beat. As soon as they are satisfied with their training Hiero and Zatic pack their belongings in the middle of the night and leave, as Stren is forging Hiero slides a Coin under the door to Stren's Forge, the front of the Coin has the design of Hiero's Short Blade imbed on it and the back of 

The coin has a Phrase that says " Courage Costs Nothing ". Stren receives this opens his Forge door and tries to find Hiero and Zatic but he can't find them anywhere on the Royal grounds knowing what Hierois going to do Stren packs his most important Ore, wears his best armor, Takes his Strongest Long Hammer and sets off to follow the two and help Hiero and Zatic.

As Hiero and Zatic are traveling to the Territory of The West they notice at each stop they see that there are more assassins and fewer bounty hunters. Both of them knowing that the area used to be a hot spot for Bounty Hunters grow concerned and understanding that The West
now controls most of the Cities in The West. Hiero and Zatic are now traveling and they see a Huge group of assassins dressed in fancy armor,

Hiero asks " Are they soldiers now?"

Zatic replies " No matter what armor they wear they will always be assassins".

The Army with what seems to be a Master blacksmith holding a Hammer with a light aura surrounding it is marching toward a City that has not yet fallen, they follow the army for hours until the army stops and the city that they are trying to attack is The City of Ox which has been holding up ever since The West has sent assassins all over to get rid of all City and Town Leaders. As the Army starts to charge at the fortified City they are mowed down by the endless arrows, The second wave comes in but with shields above their heads to form protection from the arrows, and as they get to the city wall a loud bang could be heard then a ringing, after the ringing stops they Wall starts to erode as if it was made from dust. As soon as the Oxian soldiers see the wall slowly fading away they run back to warn the Leader of The City and to move back to their second line of defense. As the wall completely erodes Hiero and Zatic get in from another entrance

Zatic asks Hiero " Are you sure The Left Eye is here"

Hiero replies " Does the phrase "Can Grind All to dust with a swing of a hammer" Confirm that he is here?"

Zatic says " I am just making sure, can't he give his weapon to someone else and use them as a decoy"

Hiero replies " He is too cocky to let someone else use his Hammer and take credit for a job well done, he is here without a doubt."

As Hiero and Zatic are sneaking inside the City to try and find an opening to get to The Left Eye of The West they are confronted by Some of The Assasins of The West, Hiero using his Quick Thinking Shows his dagger with the barracuda coin embedded on the handle to them and they are convinced until they see Zatic's Blunt edged sword, They get more suspicious and start an attack on Zatic and Hiero, Hiero Cuts Each of the Assasins with his Short sword and jabs his Blade into the ground Encasing the Assasins from toe to their torso,

Hiero says "Tell me where The Eye of The West is"

One of the assassins laughs at Hiero explaining how his little trick won't get them to speak

Hiero replies " If none of you give me a correct answer then I will leave you here with open wounds that won't mend, you see I imbued my cuts with Phantom Intent, so as I cut you there is a Phantom blade to hold the cut open"

One of the assassins thinking it is the end bites sticks his tongue out and bites on what seems to be a pouch filled with a mysterious type of liquid. As the Assasin is transforming Hiero Drives his Blade deeper into the ground this makes the rock that is encasing all of the assassins rise to their necks, The Mutated Assasin is finished transforming and starts to spit on the ground and becomes scorched on contact as Hiero and Zatic are dodging these attack some of The Mutated Assasin's spit hits the other assassins and they start to mutate.

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