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"The King of Wales has made an announcement! There's a secret princess!"
"Then we have to kidnap her!" said Jack, "Not only will this show that we're the strongest crime gang in Wales, we can also protect her from the Intrepid Heroes!"
"They're definitely planning something." Key stated.
"Agreed. We need to get to her before they do. Let's go tonight!" said Jack.
"Wait." said Hongki, causing everyone to turn around and look at the new recruit they had forgotten about, "Yonghwa always went to the Intrepid Heroes at night.. they're probably planning to strike tonight as well."
"He has a point. All of our Brennan sightings have been at night." Tosh added.

"That's all great but how are we going to break into the palace in the daytime? They obviously have a lot of security." Owen remarked.
"Don't worry. I have a friend who's a prince. I'll go in and kidnap the princess." Hongki said, the idea coming out of his mouth before he could think through the fact that he just volunteered to kidnap royalty!
"What do we're just meant to trust you?" Owen yelled, "Your boyfriend is an Intrepid Hero! And how do we know that you know a prince!"
"We know he knows a prince." said Tosh, "Prince Jaejin was seen entering Jung Yonghwa's shared apartment with Lee Hongki multiple times. We were worried he was in league with Brennan but he never did anything suspicious so it makes sense that he would be Hongki's friend."
"How do you even know that?" Hongki asked.
"We had Jung Yonghwa under surveillance so you were basically being watched too." Ianto confirmed.
"So you've been stalking me? For how long?" Hongki asked, getting mad at this unexpected news.

"Guys! Let's just focus on the mission for now." said Jack, "Hongki, you and Lee Jaejin infiltrate the palace and Ianto and Gwen will be waiting for you in the van outside the back entrance of the palace."
"Hang on, is that all? We just kidnap her like it's so simple? And I don't want to get Jaejin into trouble." Hongki protested.
"King Philippe will be expecting Brian Murphy from the Intrepid Heroes, not some prince to be kidnapping his daughter. When this is all over we can just retcon her and she'll remember nothing and your friend will be safe." Jack explained, his plan seeming more realistic now.

"So all I have to do is get the princess to the van? Easy."

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