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"It's just in here." said Hongki, directing Jaejin to the Secret Torchwood Lift. Once they entered it they were greeted by a man wearing a Fedora that Hongki didn't recognise. He introduced himself as Patrick Stump, the guy Ianto had hired to be in charge of the Secret Torchwood Lift.
"Hongki we're going down." said Patrick and the lift went down.

"He's here!" shouted Ianto, signalling to everyone that it was time to greet the prince.
"Welcome to Torchwood, your highness." said Jack.
"Thank you." said Jaejin, feeling very respected and royal.
"You never call me your highness." He whispered to Hongki. Hongki whispered back something that was inaudible to the rest of the gang, but probably offensive. They once again all crammed into the Torchwood Meeting Room, this time with a special fancy chair for Jaejin.

"We have two things to discuss today," Jack announced to the table, "First, how we're going to get hired by the King, and second, how we're going to defeat the Intrepid Heroes."
"The King is looking for a new team to look after his daughter after all of the attempts," Jaejin said, "I can suggest to him that Torchwood might be an idea."
"That's a good start thank you Jaejin." said Jack.
"Why don't we go and investigate the Intrepid Heroes' base?" asked Minho.
"We have no other leads." added Hongki. 
"Fine. We should set off now so we can leave before it gets dark. Jaejin we'll drop you off at the Welsh Royal Palace on the way." Jack decided and they all agreed.

Ianto drove the Torchwood van to the heart of Cardiff, where the Welsh Royal Palace was.
"Thank you!" said Jaejin as he hopped out of the van and they all thanked him and said goodbye. He walked into the Welsh Royal Palace and coincidentally Driss was just walking by.
"Driss!" Jaejin greeted, trying to get the important man's attention.
"Prince Jaejin, what is it?" he asked.
"I know you were looking for a new team to look after the Princess."
"I am."
"What about Torchwood? They have loads of alien technology and they were loyal to the Royal Family in the past, so I'm sure you could order them to work for you again." He suggested, waiting breathlessly and full of anticipation as Driss pondered the idea.
"That's actually a good idea. How did you come up with that?" he asked.
"It just came to me!" Jaejin lied.
"I'll propose it to King Philippe." Driss confirmed.

He went back to his room to work on some Prince stuff. He considered phoning Hongki but decided against it just in case the King said no. Suddenly there was a knock at his door.
"Come in!" he said.
"Prince Jaejin, I just wanted to thank you for the suggestion." It was Driss, "The King has decided to use it and call Torchwood tomorrow."

He had done it! Torchwood was going to be in charge of the Princess's security!

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