C H A P T E R 9

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"Don't FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Robin seethed before pushing past Vance and Bruce, heading towards the bathroom. Billy immediately rushed to Griffin as Gwen finished up the order and went to accompany a now shaken Griffin. I could see that Bruce was telling Vance off for pushing Griffin into Robin, making Vance just shrug his shoulders like he didn't care, but I knew deep down that he did. I then saw from my peripheral vision that Mari glanced over at me, making a head gesture towards my bathroom. I pointed at her and she rolled her eyes, getting up from the couch she once sat on and walking towards the shut door, her natural waves bouncing and flowing behind her face as she made her way down the hall. Mari disappeared from sight before I heard the bathroom door shut ever so slightly.

Marianne's POV/ Short

What the actual fuck? I only turned my head away for a split second, look back and I see that Robin shoved Griffin off of his lap at full force. I knew why and how Griffin ended up on Robin's lap, and I thought that Robin wouldn't mind it, but just before I looked away, I saw a glint of fear in Robin's eyes. I wondered why Robin looked so scared and afraid, when Griffin should be the one looking like that. I look at Finn and see him look back at me. I gesture to Finn to go check up on Robin, only for him to shake his head and gesture for me to go instead, making me roll my eyes at him. I stand up and make my way to his bathroom, the sounds of voices, chatter and laughter fading into the background as I approach the bathroom. I could hear the sound of muffled little cries and I felt my heart shatter. I knocked on the door and heard those whimpers die down slightly. "Robin? It's me, Marianne. You good in there?" I question as I lean against the door, my head resting against the cold, wooden barrier between us. The sound of sniffles filled my ears as I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

I sat there for a bit before knocking on the door, indicating to Robin that I was going to continue talking. "Robin, amor, please open the door so we can talk. I know you're going through a lot, but just, please let me in so I know you are okay..." I spoke in a soft tone as everything went silent. I sighed once more before getting ready to leave when suddenly, the door opened to reveal none other than Robin. I turned and looked at him, my brows furrowing in a sad expression before I step towards Robin. I look towards Robin, his head hung low as I go to speak. "Hey, Robin. Look, I know what happened out ther-" . I get cut off by Robin grabbing me by my hand and pulling me into the bathroom. Robin shut the door and pulled me into a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist. I could feel the wetness on my shoulder and in the crook of my neck from his tears. The sound of sniffles and small whimpers filled my ears as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, a sigh of content leaving my lips.

"Why won't he l-leave me the f-fuck alone..?" I hear Robin sob as he clings onto me for dear life. I was confused for a little bit, thinking he meant Griffin being pushed into him, but then it clicked, He meant The Grabber. I know that Robin has some pretty bad panic attacks every now and then, but this one, might've been worse. As I comforted Robin, I still had a question that was running around my brain like crazy, waiting for an answer. I waited for a bit before asking Robin. "Robin?" I heard him hum as a response, so I carry on with my question. "¿Por qué te viste tan asustada cuando Griffin te agarró el pelo?" I asked as I ran my fingers through the ends of his hair, the ends of his locks curling up as I untangled them. I heard a small sigh leave his lips before he pulled away, a small sniffle filling my ears.

"That night...that asshole...he..for fucksakes..! He came into our room and while you slept...he grabbed me by my throat...making me wake up. H-He threatened me that if I made a sound, I...shit man, I wouldn't live. So I stayed silent as he took me up the stairs."

Robin stopped once again, but this time, he looked like he was going to throw up. But, me being the curious dumbass I am, I asked him. I just had to, didn't I? "And...what happened..?" Silence filled the bathroom, apart from the small whimpers that left Robin's throat. He shook his head as he closed his eyes, more tears sliding down his now tear stained cheeks. Robin's puffy eyes looked at me as he rubbed his forearm, the look of uncomfortably washing over his tan face. I looked into his eyes and immediately felt sick to my stomach. I slightly shook my head as I stared into Robin's eyes. "He didn't..."

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