Chap. 5 - Day Eight pt.1

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tw: mention of eating disorder

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It was weird to feel this well rested after such a long time, but the moment had finally arrived: it had been three nice and fulfilling days since Seonghwa was out of the longest insomniac episode of his life. He'd already forgotten what it felt like to get some decent sleep or not waking up feeling like a truck had just ran him over. After all, it wasn't just the proper sleep constantly evading him, he also had to deal with Hongjoong's issues now. Since the night he'd decided to let the younger stay, Hongjoong had meltdowns over his nightmares almost every night. But surprisingly, it did come to a stop, the last time being night the day before Seonghwa started to get a hold of some proper sleep again...

Maybe the older would have had his peace earlier if it wasn't for the raven-haired in his house screaming in the night, but he paid no mind to the thought for he was fine with sacrificing that bit to be there for the other.

After the one episode in which Hongjoong had managed to talk, the in-nightmare speech became a common occurrence, happening almost every night and mostly revolving around him profusely apologizing for something he didn't want and didn't mean to do. Sometimes though, the younger would frantically shake his head and beg repeatedly to someone for them to "stop" - those were the ones that messed with Seonghwa the most. Seeing his friend in such a hurt and vulnerable state tore his heart apart gruesomely. He desperately wanted to be of better help to the other, but there was only so much he could do when he wasn't even aware of what he'd gone through. Still, Hongjoong wasn't yet ready to disclose about his wounds and hadn't mentioned anything in regards to that so far. The blonde would of course wait for the time the younger would decide to open up. Besides all that, Seonghwa hadn't had any other incidents with him, thank all possibly existing gods and deities, because he didn't think his heart could've taken all that rough neck-nuzzling again.

"Here's your latte, Hwa" Siwoo's voice brought the tall young man back to reality. "And I also bought you a little something."

Seonghwa's eyes grew comically big when his friend laid a slice of cake on their table.

"Woo..." Seonghwa shook his head.

"Nah-a-ah" the other put a hand on his face to shut him up. "It's day three since you've been sleeping through the whole night. That's impressive! Sure sounds like something to celebrate."

The blonde sighed and tried to hold back a smile.

"May the count keep rising" Siwoo puffed his chest out to chant, proposing a toast with his water bottle, which Seonghwa reciprocated with his latte paper cup after a soft chuckle.

It'd be a while before they'd have to leave the cafeteria to catch the next class, so both were just relaxing in their seats, enjoying each other's company and keeping themselves warm on yet another freezing winter morning.

When Seonghwa took the first piece of the cake he hummed, smiling gratefully at the other across the table, but as he grabbed another one he paused. He looked at the sweet treat, attentive to its pleasant smell and remembering the euphoric taste in his mouth and his brain shot straight to a subject he couldn't just keep to himself anymore.

"I'm worried about him, Woo," Seonghwa stated. "I've never seen him eating."

Siwoo choked on the sip of water he was taking. Seonghwa furrowed his brows as he watched him cough a few times and breathe deeply to settle his surprise as quickly as possible.

"Please elaborate" he finally managed to get out, voice slightly hoarse.

"I said what I said. I've never seen him eating. Ever."

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