Chap. 24 - "Kinda, Yeah"

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Most of this chap is smut
Cw: mild flashback and panic attack

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The contact lasted for mere seconds, but for them it might as well have been a lifetime. Something they never even thought would actually happen, that once seemed so far and unobtainable... It was right there. The only thing that was ever holding them back was in fact themselves. But they knew that all along, didn't they? All that mattered in that moment was that the longing was over. At last, they had finally reached each other.

But it did end so soon. Seonghwa had just managed to overcome his initial shock and began to strip his muscles from the nervous stiffness when the other pulled away and left his lips all alone in the frosty air again.

Hongjoong looked up at him, just for a fleeting second, before his eyes quickly trailed off and the younger got into the car without saying another word.

Seonghwa swore he'd seen pink dusting the other's cheeks.

"Hey, lovebug!" San chirped, snapping the blonde back into reality. "Get in the damn car! You two can discuss it further back in your apartment."

Seonghwa shivered at the reminder that he'd be all alone with Hongjoong very soon, right after they'd shared their first kiss. He could feel his heart thumping hard against his ribcage and in his fingertips and San seemed to notice that, smirking at his reaction before getting into the vehicle and sitting in the driver's seat.

"What do you think you're doing?" He exaggeratedly raised an eyebrow at Seonghwa when he sat in the passenger's seat. The blonde simply stared at him dumbly, terribly confused and obviously having no idea what the other was referring to.

Then the older motioned impatiently with his head toward the backseat, and Seonghwa finally understood, blushing furiously.

Hongjoong had a gleam of mischief in his eyes, clearly having been waiting for the other to join him and sit by his side, an impish smile plastered across his lips. Seonghwa adjusted himself in his seat and hesitantly closed the door, fidgety and struggling to find a place to set his eyes on.

The car wasn't even fully out in the street when Hongjoong scooted over closer to the blonde, coyly pressing their shoulders together and entangling their fingers on the leathery seat. He approached Seonghwa's face, more than delighted to notice him shuddering.

"Missed you" he purred airily into the older's ear before pressing a kiss to his cheek. It took every fiber in Seonghwa's body to hold back a whimper. "Missed you" his lips were heading downwards, teasing the skin of the other's neck and stretching into a smile at the way he shivered and flinched. "Hwa, I missed you" the confession was a low whisper, and of course it had to be sealed with yet another kiss, wetter this time, lower on his neck.


"Why don't you call me 'Joongie'?"

"B-Because...! Minjoon's right there!" He whimpered, flustered, bright red and slightly pressing himself against the car door in an attempt to put some distance between them.

"I don't think he minds..." Hongjoong snickered before letting the tip of his nose brush against the other's ear.

"But I do!"

San chuckled, hearing the whole conversation loud and clear even though it was basically just whispers back and forth.

"Then you'll call me 'Joongie' as soon as we get home" Hongjoong demanded as he pressed his body closer and purposefully made his own breathing more audible next to Seonghwa's ear.

The blonde squeezed his eyes shut, his poor human heart pleading for mercy, and nodded frantically, so embarrassed he wanted to scream.

"Promise?" His voice was saccharine. He was so enjoying every second of that, smirking at every single micro-reaction he'd get from the other.

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