Chap. 10 - Hug

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Hongjoong stepped out into the cold night air and turned around to wave at San just before the older vampire started to ride down the street.

He looked at his own feet on the thick snow on the ground and reminisced the conversation they had in the car, his heart still aching from the story he was told. To watch someone you see as family lose their sanity to the point they become a danger to everyone and everything around them and having to kill them in such a cruel and gruesome way must be one excruciatingly painful experience to go through. Now that he was alone to digest the information better he could understand Wooyoung and San's - especially San's - protectiveness and the way they jumped forward to help him when he was basically a stranger to them. Hongjoong felt truly sad for the girl San had mentioned. Just the thought of going feral already made his stomach churn. He was terrified of the mere possibility of it happening.

The freezing breeze that swirled and howled seemed to be trying to remind him where he was and had to go and he turned to look over at Seonghwa's apartment building. A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he started walking toward it. He laughed at himself. It hadn't even been a day, but truly… he'd missed Seonghwa. He felt eager to get home, wanted to see him, wanted to ask about his shift, wanted to show him how they could hug without triggering Hongjoong's anxiety. And, oh, how Hongjoong needed that hug.

When he typed in the pin code and opened the door, his face immediately softened at the image in front of him. The lights were on and Seonghwa was sitting on the couch and fast asleep, his head slumped on the back rest and mouth slightly opened with the position. Hongjoong left his shoes and coat at the door and approached, careful not to make a single sound in the process, settling behind the furniture and bending over to rest his elbows on it. He took his time looking at the blonde's sleeping face, unable to hold back an endeared smile. He scanned right from his fallen bangs to his full, nicely shaped eyebrows to his slightly hunched nose and then caught himself staring at his plush lips. Seonghwa suddenly moved just barely with a tiny groan, scrunching up his face in the most adorable way.

Oh, he was so gone.

“Hwa” Hongjoong whispered, not actually expecting the other to hear it and respond. The older just stayed still.

The raven-haired snickered like a child up to no good. One hand floated closer and played with the tips of his platinum blonde locks, but Seonghwa still didn't move a muscle. A playful idea went through his mind and he leaned in until he was mere centimeters away from his friend's face, quickly changing course and getting to his main goal.

Then he softly blew in Seonghwa's ear.

“Fuck!” The older yelled and jumped in reaction, snapping his eyes open and scrambling away from the sensation.

“Sheesh, Hwa” Hongjoong chuckled, standing up straight before rounding the couch. “It's not even half past eight yet, c’mon! I wasn't out for that long. Seeing you asleep this early and on the couch on top of it makes me feel guilty.”

Seonghwa was groaning and rubbing his eyes, not fully awake yet. Hongjoong sat on the couch by his side and scooted closer.

“Joong?” He mumbled, still confused.

“‘Joongie'” The younger corrected, pouting. “You might be too embarrassed to call me like that in public, but it's just the two of us here. No excuses.”

The older glared at him from the space between his fingers and Hongjoong made a face to provoke him further.

“You did take too long,” Seonghwa grumbled. “I was worried.”

“Hwa, I just fell and got dirty. What is there to worry about?”

“The way you got sick a few days ago when we went out with Siwoo and Minjoon. You told me your stomach had been weird for a few days, remember? Your health just seems fragile and I never see you eating, so to have your clothes wet in this weather until you got to their place… I thought you'd definitely catch a cold or something.”

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