Chap. 14 - Distance

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What the hell was that insufferable noise? It was like a fucking earthquake inside of his worn out head. Was something... Vibrating? What was vibrating so much? Someone for fuck's sake just make it stop!

"Hwa" now a voice?

Why couldn't this god forsaken world just let him sleep?

"Hwa, wake up."

Seonghwa jumped awake when he recognized the owner of that voice, regretting the action immediately from how his head began to throb in pain, so he curled up in the arms that embraced him.

"Hey, hey, it's okay" Hongjoong gently sushed him. "Siwoo's calling."

The younger pointed to the vibrating phone on the bedside table.

Oh, so that's what it was.

He sluggishly reached for the device, pressed the green button shining on the screen and put it against his ear.

"Yeah?" The blonde slurred out.

"Hey, Hwa," Siwoo answered. "We're almost there, are you guys ready to leave?"

"Hmm... No, actually... I just woke up."

Seonghwa heard the other laugh on the other end.

"It's okay, I know you're tired. I can go up and help while Minjoon stays in the car if you need."

"No, no, I can handle it. Just hang on a minute."

"No problem!"

The call ended and Seonghwa groaned, flopping back down on Hongjoong's chest.

"Hwa, c'mon, we need to get ready."

The blonde begrudgingly got up and went into his closet to change into something basic and comfortable and gather Hongjoong's clothes. When he got out, he carefully folded every piece on the bed and put them in one of his bags, handing it to the younger, who watched him in silence. Then, Seonghwa went to the bathroom and opened the cabinet under the sink to grab a medical mask and put it over his face. He'd barely stepped into his room again when his phone began vibrating once more on his bed.

"We're in front of your building," Siwoo said as soon as Seonghwa picked up the phone.

"'Kay, we'll be there in a second."

The blonde coughed a little and shoved his phone in the pocket of his pants. He turned to the shorter and signaled with his head for them to get going, but before he could get to the door, Hongjoong stopped him by grabbing his hand. The younger interlaced their fingers before resuming his walk to the front door along with the other.

It felt better like that.

The two took the elevator and exited the building, already able to see the black Audi parked right by the sidewalk. Siwoo was outside of the vehicle, waiting for them.

"Wait, what the fuck?!" Was all Seonghwa could get out upon piecing together that that car was actually his friends'.

"Let me explain when we get there," Siwoo replied, already tense and shrinking his shoulders.

The blonde stood there dumbfounded and had to be nudged by Hongjoong to get in the car. When both got in, Siwoo sat in the front seat and closed the door. Seonghwa didn't even greet Minjoon on the driver's seat, and still had his mouth agape when the engine started running and they began to move.

The ride was mostly silent apart from Seonghwa's occasional coughing fits, and Hongjoong fidgeted, curled up on the other side of the seat. The taller couldn't deny that he was a little hurt by being literally the last one to know about his friends' financial status, and stared out the window, sulking.

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