Chap. 11 - Scorching Hot, Ice Cold

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Mild smut in the beginning of this chap!

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Hongjoong yelped when his back hit the wall. He didn't even have time to properly put air back into his lungs before Wooyoung's lips hungrily latched onto his. The younger moaned into the kiss when he felt the other's tongue rubbing against his, shivering violently when his waist was ferociously grabbed onto. The iron taste still lingered around in his mouth from having just eaten.

As soon as he threw his arms around the older's neck, another touch joined the two. San abruptly pulled open one of the younger's arms so he could get better access to him before attacking his vulnerable neck without hesitation. He bit and licked and kissed, carefully keeping his knees slightly bent so the other wouldn't feel threatened by his height. Hongjoong was melting rapidly on their arms, feeling his knees threatening to give out.

His head was so empty. It all happened so fast. He had already felt a bit of a different vibe from the couple when they brought him to Yeosang's villa for his weekly blood bag. They seemed kind of restless and were being extra touchy, but Hongjoong didn't mind as he had grown to feel comfortable around the two. Then when he was finishing his meal he noticed that he had spilled a bit and it dribbled down his chin. Wooyoung and San noticed too, and that was enough to flip a switch in both of them.

Hongjoong had gently pushed them away last time because he wanted to figure things out with Seonghwa... Turned out they didn't figure out a thing. After that night when they shared more intimate touches they simply didn't bring it up again. Things had gone back to the way they were before and that just made Hongjoong damn nervous and uncertain about the right time he should have a proper talk with him.

But then, as the couple slowly closed in on him and stared him down with dark eyes so filled with desire, he gave in hilariously fast. There was something so primal about what he had with the two, it came with a pull hard to resist even if he never once took Seonghwa off his mind. It was very much clear to him that for now there wasn't much he could do about the instinct driven hunger that made him crave their touch so bad besides indulge in it a bit. What harm could it do?

He gasped audibly as his lips were torn from Wooyoung's when San pulled him close aggressively.

"Sannie!" Wooyoung whined, receiving only a low chuckled in response.

Hongjoong was lifted like he weighted absolutely nothing immediately after his body collided with the taller's. San wrapped the other's legs around his waist as he lunged at his mouth, beginning to walk toward the bedroom bed. He sat down on the edge, settling Hongjoong on his lap and biting his lower lip until it drew blood, tearing a loud whimper from him. He promptly laped at the red that briefly ran down the younger's chin afterwards before the wound healed shut.

"Feeling selfish today, are we?" Wooyoung sneered as he walked closer before sitting beside the two.

He took one of Hongjoong's hands and began showering it with wet kisses, watching as he shuddered. San let go of the younger's lips and went for his neck again, leaving dozens of purplish marks that disappeared in mere seconds but would have surely stayed there for days if he was still human. Hongjoong slumped his head back, bearing his neck even more, and turned to look at Wooyoung, who chuckled upon seeing his bleary eyes and needy expression.

"You're not helping yourself looking at me like that" he giggled with a shameless smirk.

Hongjoong whimpered.

San lied down and pulled the younger to get on top of him, kissing him again as he hugged his waist. Wooyoung's patience ran thin and he pulled at the two until they were both lying down on their sides so he could get behind Hongjoong and effectively sandwich him along with the taller.

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